MongoCFC (for lack of a better name) models the Mongo Shell JavaScript API as close as possible, so you don't have to learn twice! Just replace : with = and you're good to go!
JS: db.people.update({name:'Joe'},{$inc:{n:1}});
CF: people.update({'name'='Joe'},{$inc:{'n'=1}});
Dependency: Official MongoDB Java driver
- Install MongoDB:
- Download MongoDB Java Driver:
- Move .jar into
- restart your CF.
- run demo/gettingstarted.cfm
NOTE 1: CF's struct keys are stored in UPPERCASE by default. However, MongoCFC will convert _id and all modifier operators (e.g. $set and $inc) into the correct case. To use mixed/lowercase, quotes the key like the example above.
NOTE 2: CF's struct does not preserve insertion order. When specifying multiple index or sort columns, use util.orderedStructNew() or exception will be thrown.
See demo/gettingstarted.cfm
and compare to the other excellent project CFMongoDB at:
ColdFusion 9.0.1+