npm start
-> build game, open a browser, watch source and livereload browser on changes
npm run build
-> build game for gamejam submission (no sourcemap and livereload script)
To enable Web Monetization, uncomment the call to checkMonetization
in onload
. This will add listeners to handle monetization events. At the appropriate time in your code, check isMonetizationEnabled
to decide if extra features should be accessible or not. Remember to update the value of the monetization
meta tag in src/index.html
to your payment pointer.
- CarelessCoder for his function getting x,y from an angle
- Steven Lambert for his Pseudo Random Number Generator from Kontra.js
- Frank Force and Keith Clark for their über smoll sound & music players, ZzFX and ZzFX Music respectively
- Matt for pointing out the existence of
- Florent Cailhol for suggesting Terser in place of UglifyJS
- Maxime Euziere for his switch/case approach to handling game screens in update/render/input handlers
- Ryan Malm for sharing his Twitter message code
- Peters and flo- for their pixel font from Glitch Hunter
- Eoin McGrath for his original build script