Simple todo app made in React-Native with Google SignIn and Google Tasks Rest API's
Do you want to know how the app looks like? Click here
- Node
or newer - React Native for development
Xcode for iOS development(coming soon)- Android Studio for Android development
- Android SDK
or newer for Android development - Genymotion for Android emulation or
- Android Lollipop or newer on your Android device to test properly
- React Native
for building native apps using react - Redux
a predictable state container for Javascript apps - Redux-Saga
a predictable state container for Javascript apps - Babel
for ES6+ support - Immutable Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript
- React Navigation Navigation views that deliver 60fps animations
- Jest tests JavaScript Testing
- React-Native Config Environment for react-native
- Reactotron Inspecting your React JS and React Native apps
- ESLint Standard Rules for Javascript language
- Loadash Library delivering modularity, performance & extras
- Husky Prevent bad commit, push and more
Just clone the repo and start :
$ git clone
$ cd doit
$ yarn install # Install Node.js components listed in ./package.json
- To compile this project with google sign you need to create a project in
- After click in Project Setting (gear icon)
- Add the project (package name com.doit)
In the field SHA certificate fingerprints put yout sha1 code see how
- Access your google console developer project see how
- In the search look for Task API
- Activate It
- In the menu click in credentials
- Get the api key to put in the .env file see how
Create a .env file (in the root of the project) with the env variables
- cd to the repo
- Run Build
- Run Genymotion or Android device remember how to activate dev mode
$ react-native run-android
$ react-native run-android --variant=release
- In your terminal just run:
$ jest
- 100% coverage tests
- delete tasks in list screen
- ios version
- drag'n drop tasks
- offline first
- edit tasks in list screen
- list screen, insert menu more on section (remove all, done all, undone all)
- add crashlytics
- add analytics
- google sigin
- google task api integration
- create tasks and lists
- init project
- ux/ui
- logo
doIt! (including the doIt! repo) is licensed under the MIT license