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OpenID Connect with Google code flow

Alexandr Moroz edited this page Jul 5, 2014 · 12 revisions

Google OpenId Connect manual

Code flow:

Authentication flow

  1. Create a State Token (Cross Site Request Forgery, CSRF token)

A string of 30+ characters constructed with a random generator OR a hash of state variables with a secret back end key.

  1. Send a request to Identity Provider with the CSRF
  1. Login request -- shall include parameters specifying the permissions the application is requesting:

  1. Retrieve token -- the authorization server will send an access token after the user has been authenticated. The access token is returned to the redirect_uri.

  2. Validate token -- to validate a token, it must be sent to Google endpoing located at The endpoint responds with a JSON object that contains the following info:

  • issued_to: application
  • scope: list of requested scopes
  • audience: the projected resource the token may be sent to
  • user_id: the identifier of the user
  • expires_in: the remining lifetime of the token in seconds
  1. Get userinfo -- after token has been validated, we can retrieve user info by calling the endpoint located at The request must include the access token in the query string or in the Authorization header. The Google endpoint responds with a JSON object that contains the following fields:
  • id: the ID of the user
  • email: the email of the user
  • verified_email: whether the emails has been verified
  • name: the identifier of the user
  • given_name: the first name of the user
  • family_name: the last name of the user
  • link: a link to the user's profile
  • picture: a pitcure of the user
  • gender: the gender of the user
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