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Query Snowflake tables locally with DuckDB, without any need for a running warehouse


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Execute Snowflake queries locally on DuckDB

UniverSQL is a Snowflake proxy that allows you to run SQL queries locally on Snowflake Iceberg tables and Polaris catalog, using DuckDB. You can join Snowflake data with your local datasets, without any need for a running warehouse. UniverSQL relies on Snowflake for access control and data catalog so it's complementary to your Snowflake workloads.


Any SQL client that supports Snowflake, also supports UniverSQL as we implement Snowflake's API to support compatibility. If you run into any issue using an app or client, feel free to create a discussion. Universql is not affiliated with Snowflake.


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When you query an Iceberg table on Snowflake for the first time, UniverSQL looks up Iceberg metadata from Snowflake, (metadata operation, no compute cost) re-writes the query for DuckDB dialect, sets up filesystem that connects to your data lake with your cloud credentials and caches the Parquet files and executes the query on DuckDB.

Use Cases

  • Smart caching for your Snowflake queries, reducing the compute costs. UniverSQL optimize the query and re-uses the cache across multiple runs, better than Snowflake's result cache.
  • Query local files without any need to upload them to Snowflake for prototyping and only upload them when you want to publish data on cloud.
  • Utilize your hardware for running queries faster on small datasets and run queries on your data even when you don't have internet connectivity.
  • Use DuckDB warehouse for managed and on-premise Polaris Catalog. If you pass a Polaris account (--account parameter), UniverSQL will use embedded DuckDB as local warehouse.

Getting Started

Access to Storage


Since Snowflake doesn't provide direct access to data lake, UniverSQL uses your local credentials for cloud storage so make sure you configure the cloud SDKs. You should install the your cloud's SDK and configure it with your credentials.


Polaris Catalog is a managed Iceberg table catalog that is available in Snowflake. It manages access credentials to data lake and the metadata of the Iceberg tables. If your Snowflake account (snowflake --account) is a Polaris Catalog, UniverSQL will use PyIceberg to fetch data from your data lake and map them as Arrow tables in DuckDB.


Install and configure AWS CLI. If you would like to use AWS client id / secret, you can use aws configure to set them up. By default, UniverSQL uses your default AWS profile, you can pass --aws-profile option to universql to use a different profile than the default profile.

Google Cloud

Install and configure Google Cloud SDK. You can use gcloud auth application-default login to login with your Google Cloud account. By default, UniverSQL uses your default GCP account attached to gcloud, you can pass --gcp-account option to universql to use a different profile than the default account.


Install and configure Azure CLI. By default, UniverSQL uses your default Azure tenant attached to az, you can pass --azure-tenant option to universql to use a different profile than the default account.


python3 -m pip install universql

Using virtual environments

We recommend using virtual environments (venv) to namespace pip modules. Create a new venv as follows:

python -m venv universql-env

Activate that same virtual environment each time you create a shell window or session:

source universql-env/bin/activate         # activate the environment for Mac and Linux OR
universql-env\Scripts\activate            # activate the environment for Windows
    snowflake --account lt51601.europe-west2.gcp


Alternatively, pull the Docker image: (recommended for running in background)

docker run -p 8084:8084 -v ~/.universql:/root/.universql buremba/universql snowflake --account lt51601.europe-west2.gcp

Docker Compose

Make a copy of the .env.example file and update the values.

Note: The SSL certificates are not included in the repository, and are optional. If you want to use SSL, you need to generate your own and place them in the ssl directory then update the .env file with the correct names.

cp .env.example .env
docker compose up

How it works?

  • Snowflake SQL API implementation to handle the Snowflake connections, acting as a proxy between DuckDB and Snowflake.
    • You can connect UniverSQL using Snowflake Python Connector, Snowflake JDBC, ODBC or any other Snowflake client.
    • UniverSQL uses Snowflake Arrow integration to fetch the data from Snowflake and convert it to DuckDB relation.
  • SQLGlot and Fakesnow for query translation from Snowflake to DuckDB,
  • Snowflake Iceberg tables and Polaris as data catalog, depending on `--account' you proxy to.
  • Your local disk for the storage with direct access to data lakes (S3, GCS) for the cloud storage.
  • DuckDB as local compute engine.


> universql snowflake --help

Usage: universql snowflake [OPTIONS]

  --account TEXT                  The account to use. Supports both Snowflake
                                  and Polaris (ex: rt21601.europe-west2.gcp)
  --port INTEGER                  Port for Snowflake proxy server (default:
  --host TEXT                     Host for Snowflake proxy server (default:
  --metrics-port TEXT             Grafana metrics port, only available for
                                  cloudflared host (default: 5675)
  --account-catalog [snowflake|polaris]
                                  Type of the Snowflake account. Automatically
                                  detected from the account if not provided.
  --universql-catalog TEXT        The external catalog that will be used for
                                  Iceberg tables. (default:
  --aws-profile TEXT              AWS profile to access S3 (default:
  --gcp-project TEXT              GCP project to access GCS and apply quota.
                                  (to see how to setup auth for GCP and use
                                  different accounts, visit
  --ssl_keyfile TEXT              SSL keyfile for the proxy server, optional.
                                  Use it if you don't want to use
  --ssl_certfile TEXT             SSL certfile for the proxy server, optional.
  --max-memory TEXT               DuckDB Max memory to use for the server
                                  (default: 80% of total memory)
  --cache-directory TEXT          Data lake cache directory (default:
  --home-directory TEXT           Home directory for local operations
                                  (default: /Users/bkabak)
  --max-cache-size TEXT           DuckDB maximum cache used in local disk
                                  (default: 80% of total available disk)
  --database-path PATH            For persistent storage, provide a path to
                                  the DuckDB database file (default: :memory:)
  --tunnel [cloudflared|ngrok]    Use tunnel for accessing server from public
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  [BETA] Check out docs at and let me
  know if you have any cool use-case on Github!


Be aware of trade-offs

UniverSQL is designed to be a complementary tool that helps you utilize local hardware when using Snowflake, for small datasets that you're working on locally.


The virtual warehouse concept is great for running large queries on large datasets but usually X-Small works OK for running ad-hoc queries on small datasets that has < 2B rows. X-Small warehouse costs $2/hour and is likely using m5.2xlarge. If your query runs on X-Small warehouse, it will likely run to run your computer if you have 8GB - 32GB memory.

If you're the one executing the Snowflake queries and your computer has enough resources, the compute is free for you. You will only need to pay for the egress network costs from your cloud provider but it's going to be much cheaper than running a warehouse on Snowflake.


UniverSQL uses DuckDB as the local compute engine, which is a columnar database that is optimized for analytical queries. The queries that fit in your memory will mostly run under a second but for larger queries, the performance is comparable to Snowflake up to a certain point, depending on your hardware. It can be used for prototyping and ad-hoc queries on small datasets but Universql automatically tries to route your queries to Snowflake when it can't be executed locally.



The latency relies on your network bandwidth. Your local disk is used for caching the data in a data lake and the cache is populated lazily as you query the data and persists across multiple runs. Cold runs will likely be slower than running the query on Snowflake as the data needs to be downloaded from the data lake with UniverSQL whereas Snowflake runs the compute in the same cloud region.

The subsequent queries (hot run) on the same table will be served from the cache. If the Iceberg table is updated, only the new data is downloaded from the data lake. The same data is never downloaded more than once. Iceberg supports predicate pushdown, which helps with partitioned tables to reduce the amount of data downloaded for partitioned tables.

Signed certificates are required in Snowflake SQL V1 API

Snowflake V1 API requires a valid CA certificate, which is not possible with self-signed certificates.

If you don't need to expose UniverSQL to the public internet with a public tunnel service, UniverSQL ships SSL certificate of domain in the binary, which has DNS record to It gives you free https connection to your local server and it's the default host.


Your data doesn't go through an external server with this approach as the DNS resolves to your localhost. Using will save you from the hassle of setting up a self-signed or CA-trusted certificates.

If you would like to use localhost (or directly, you can install mkcert to have a self-signed certificate for localhost and use --ssl_keyfile and --ssl_certfile options to pass the certificate and key files.

Can't query native Snowflake tables locally

UniverSQL doesn't support querying native Snowflake tables as they're not accessible from outside of Snowflake. If you try to query a Snowflake table, Universql will run the query

   SELECT * FROM my_snowflake_table;

You have two alternatives:

  1. Create a dynamic iceberg table replicating your native Snowflake table. This approach requires a warehouse but the usage will be minimal as dynamic tables are serverless, with the caveat of having some lag provided in TARGET_LAG option.
CREATE DYNAMIC ICEBERG TABLE my_iceberg_snowflake_table 
  TARGET_LAG = '1 hour'  WAREHOUSE = 'compute_xs'
   EXTERNAL_VOLUME = 'your_data_lake_volume'
   BASE_LOCATION = 'my_transformed_table'
   REFRESH_MODE = auto
   INITIALIZE = on_create
AS SELECT * FROM my_snowflake_table;

Dynamic tables are the recommended approach if your native tables have more than 1B+ of rows so that you can filter/aggregate them before pulling them into your local environment. If your native tables are small enough, consider switching them to Iceberg from Native.

  1. You can use to_query function to run queries directly in Snowflake and return the result as a table. You can join native Snowflake table with your local files as follows:
SELECT * FROM table(to_query('select col1 from my_snowflake_table')) where col1 = 2

When you use the proxy server, it will create a query plan to execute your Snowflake query first and map the result as an Arrow table in DuckDB. This approach is recommended for hybrid execution where you need to query your native Snowflake tables on the fly.

You need a tunnel service to connect from external tools

If your local computer is not accessible from public network, (i.e. no external IP) external tools such as notebooks (Hex, Google Colab etc.) and BI tools (Tableau Online, Looker, Mode etc.) can't connect UniverSQL. The workaround is to use a public tunnel service to expose your local server to the internet, please see --tunnel parameter to enable a tunnel service:

No support for Snowflake SQL V2 API yet

While SQL V1 API is internal, most Snowflake clients are using SQL V1 API, including JDBC, Python, ODBC etc. Feel free to help support SQL V2 API by contributing to the project. It should be easy enough as we already use Arrow interface for the V1 API, which is the interface for V2.

Support for syntax

Syntax Explanation
CREATE ICEBERG TABLE AS SELECT part is executed in DuckDB; metadata is synced to both external Iceberg Catalog (--universql-catalog if you enable it) and Snowflake as Iceberg table.
INSERT, MERGE, DELETE Executed in DuckDB if SELECT references to temporary and Iceberg tables. Otherwise it runs on Snowflake. If the target is an Iceberg table, the external Iceberg Catalog (--universql-catalog if you enable it) and Snowflake's Iceberg metadata will be updated.
CREATE TABLE Both the AS SELECT query and metadata management are handled natively by Snowflake.
CREATE TEMP TABLE Temporary tables are fully managed by DuckDB, And DML and AS SELECT query on the table will be executed in DuckDB.
COPY INTO Executed in DuckDB if SELECT references to temporary and Iceberg tables. Otherwise it runs on Snowflake.
SHOW Snowflake executes the queries. Note that a running warehouse is not needed for metadata queries so they're cheap.


Query Snowflake tables locally with DuckDB, without any need for a running warehouse







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