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Ansible playbook for installing a complete HEXAA environment.

Table of Contents



  • target and control: Python3 with pip (python3-pip on Debian-based distros)
  • target: a recent version of Docker engine ( or docker-ce package) and Python packages (pip3 install docker pyopenssl), the playbook installs these unless you skip the docker tag
  • control machine: Ansible (pip3 install ansible\>=2.8)

Installing the roles:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ./roles

Local environment

This setup is intended for local development and trying out HEXAA's features. The local.yml playbook installs:

  • the backend and frontend of HEXAA with all their dependencies,
  • a metadata exchange,
  • two identity providers (with two accounts each, user1:user1pass and user2:user2pass),
  • two service providers (for testing the release of attributes by HEXAA, SSP AA)
  • a local SMTP server with web interface for testing invitations and enabling services inside HEXAA.

Your user needs to be a member of the docker group. The playbook sets this up for you, but sudo rights are needed for this (see --ask-become-pass). You can add --skip-tags docker to the ansible command, and manually install docker ( OS package and the docker, pyopenssl pip packages), add your user.

If your user was added to the docker group now, you need to re-login or run ansible commands with: sg docker "<ansible command>"

The used docker images take up about 4GB:

REPOSITORY                                       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
hexaaproject/hexaa-frontend                      staging   95a0e653d65d   2 days ago     535MB
hexaaproject/hexaa-backend                       staging   01150b3d92f9   2 days ago     605MB
mariadb                                          latest    c1c9e6fba07a   2 days ago     355MB
memcached                                        latest    829146221029   3 days ago     82.2MB
jwilder/nginx-proxy                              alpine    1aa571816748   7 days ago     54.5MB
nginx                                            latest    540a289bab6c   3 weeks ago    126MB
hexaaproject/ssp-aa                              latest    c5d739bc29b2   2 months ago   463MB
hexaaproject/hexaa-service-entityids-generator   latest    f8b3e7021d87   4 months ago   93.6MB
hexaaproject/apache-shib                         latest    683d18789660   4 months ago   199MB
szabogyula/attributes                            latest    43ab8f0e81d9   6 months ago   479MB
szabogyula/test-saml-idp                         latest    f366ec85803a   8 months ago   435MB
mailhog/mailhog                                  latest    e00a21e210f9   13 months ago  19.2MB
leifj/pyff                                       latest    e9ff2d9b8164   3 years ago    629MB


By default, the services are configured to run under hexaa.local.

You should add an entry like this to your /etc/hosts config:	hexaa.local metadata.hexaa.local idp1.hexaa.local idp2.hexaa.local sp1.hexaa.local sp2.hexaa.local mail.hexaa.local


ansible-playbook -i inventory local.yml

You can restart with a blank environment by removing the containers and generated files (Warning: this deletes the database content and modifications made inside the containers):

docker rm -f sp1.hexaa.local sp2.hexaa.local \
    idp1.hexaa.local idp2.hexaa.local \
    metadata.hexaa.local nginx-proxy \
    hexaa-backend hexaa-backend-ssp-aa hexaa-backend-web \
    hexaa-frontend hexaa-frontend-web \
    hexaa-service-entityids-generator \
    mail.hexaa.local memcached mysql
find local_files -type f \! -name '.git*' -exec rm {} \;

Web access

If you didn't change the default config, after running the playbook, you can access the following services:

Possible errors

  • If you have a firewall set up on your host, it can prevent communication between the containers. If you use ufw, you should allow this traffic: ufw allow proto tcp from to, given that all docker networks are subnets of the range.
  • The installation of pyopenssl Python module might fail (on older Ubuntu systems), install the python3-cryptography or libssl-dev package to fix this.

Production environment

You should:

  • Copy and customize group_vars/prod_template,
  • Copy prod_template.yml to a matching name,
  • Set your installation target in inventory in the prod section. ansible_become=true is useful if the remote login user has sudo rights.

If multiple people will run the playbook, we recommend using one user to login on the target host or setting ansible_become=true to prevent unnecessary ownership changes and errors.

If you choose the latter, the login user(s) needs to have sudo rights without password (NOPASSWD in /etc/sudoers) or you need to provide your password to Ansible: use the --ask-become-pass flag and enter it when asked.

If you plan to version control your configuration, you should consider putting the master keys and secrets into an Ansible vault (see the ansible-vault(1) manpage and the --vault-password-file option of ansible-playbook).


ansible-playbook -i inventory <env_name>.yml


You only need to make backups of the contents of /opt/hexaa/mysql.


You can fork the playbook and role repositories, then clone the two roles into the subdirectory, and make changes to the 3 repositories at the same time:

git clone
cd ansible-hexaa/roles
git clone
git clone
git clone


Components installed by the three HEXAA roles:

HEXAA core components

Local environment components and their (somewhat simplified) interactions:

HEXAA environment components