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AngularJS application generator with a specific tool to generate AngularJS modules, components, resources and services.


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AngularJS application generator with a specific tool to generate AngularJS modules, components, resources and services.


  1. Install Node.js

  2. Install these NPM packages globally

    npm install -g bower gulp webdriver-manager

    Refer to these instructions on how to not require sudo

Running AngularJS cli with Frontend StackWeb

  1. npm init Init npm package (recommended use defaults)

  2. npm intall Install npm and bower dependencies and initiate the core AngularJS

  3. Follow the steps to generate your first app

  4. npm run dev:mock

Generating AngularJS elements with cli

Generate/reset your app

  1. npm run generate:app or gulp angular-app to run the app generator tool

  2. Answer the following questions to initialize the application.

Generate a single AngularJS element

  1. npm run generate tu run the element generatior tool

  2. Answer the following questions to initialize the one of the following elements:

    • Module: Generates module's folders, configuration block, configuration constant, mssages, route's file and styles.
    • Component: Generates component's element and controller, template, stylesheet and unit test.
    • Resource: Generates resource's main class and test, the service js and unit test and the mock service.
    • Service: Generates service's main js and test.
    • Interceptor: Generates interceptor's main js and test.

More info and commands of the angularjs-cli on AngularJS-cli README

Fast development commands

Running in dev mode

  • npm run dev serves the project in dev mode.
  • npm run dev:mock serves the project in dev and mock mode.
  • Both open the project in a browser and updates the browser when any file changes.


  • npm run analysis runs code analysis and statistics. This runs eslint and plato.
  • npm run lint run code analysis using. This runs eslint. Fix simple eslint errors with npm run lint:fix. Be careful that will override the files with the new changes.

Unit Tests

  • npm test run unit tests via karma and jasmine. Run test and open the karma report with npm run test:report

E2E Tests

  • npm run e2e runs webdriver and then e2e tests via protractor and jasmine. Run test and open the protractor report with npm run e2e:report
  • npm run e2e:serve runs webdriver, serves the application in dev mode and runs e2e tests.
  • npm run e2e:serve:prod runs webdriver, serves the application in production mode and runs e2e tests.
  • Last two serves the code in mock mode.

Building the project for production

  • npm build builds the optimized project.
  • This create the optimized code for the project and puts it in the build folder.

Running the optimized (production) code

  • npm run prod builds and serves the project in production mode.
  • npm run prod:mock builds and serves the project in production and mock mode.
  • Both open the project in a browser and updates the browser when any file changes.

Exploring AngularJS cli with Frontend StackWeb project

AngularJS cli with Frontend StackWeb starter project


The structure also contains a gulpfile.js and a server folder. The server is there just so we can serve the app using node. Feel free to use any server you wish.


Installing Packages

When you generate the project it should run these commands, but if you notice missing packages, run these again:

  • npm install
  • bower install

The Modules

The app has 4 feature modules and depends on a series of external modules and custom but cross-app modules

app --> [
    app.core --> [
    app.session --> [
    app.friends --> [,
appMock --> [
    app--> [ ... ],
    modelMocks --> [

core Module

Core modules are ones that are shared throughout the entire application and may be customized for the specific application. Example might be common data services.

This is an aggregator of modules that the application will need. The core module takes the blocks, common, and Angular sub-modules as dependencies.

friends Module

The friends module is an example module containing full functional resources, components, services, routing, configuration, unit-test and e2e testing.

This module comes with the mocked resources inside the appMock, under the modelMocks module.

session Module

The session module is a module that can be use to implement de login and password change of the application, contains full functional resources, components, services, routing, configuration, unit-test and e2e testing.

This module comes with the mocked resources inside the appMock, under the modelMocks module.

blocks Modules

Block modules are reusable blocks of code that can be used across projects simply by including them as dependencies.

blocks.logger Module

The blocks.logger module handles logging across the Angular app.

blocks.exception Module

The blocks.exception module handles exceptions across the Angular app.

It depends on the blocks.logger module, because the implementation logs the exceptions.

blocks.router Module

The blocks.router module contains a routing helper module that assists in adding routes to the $routeProvider.

blocks.popup Module

The blocks.popup module contains a popup helper service that assists in registering and displaying alert modals across the application.

It depends on the ui.bootstrap module, because the implementation is based on angular-bootstrap modal.

blocks.mocks Module

The blocks.mocks module contains a mock helper service that assists in registering mocked e2e http backend methods, parsing regEx urls and adding mocks to the mocked application.

common Module

Commom module are reusable components (custom and vendor's) that can be used across the app's modules simply by including the dependencies.

appMock Module

The appMock module provides a decorator for the app module with mocked resources and any other http call.

When running the code in mocked mode, the application initiates with appMock module instead of app module.

model.mocks Module

The model.mocks has the mocked resources of the application. Each mock contains a list of mocked resources, the url and uri of the resource and the methods that are going to be caught while mocking the application along with the functions that will execute when this happens.

Any new resource generated should have its mock inside this module.

Gulp Tasks

Task Listing

  • gulp help

    Displays all of the available gulp tasks.

Code Analysis

  • gulp vet

    Performs static code analysis on all javascript files. Runs eslint.

  • gulp vet --verbose

    Displays all files affected and extended information about the code analysis.

  • gulp plato

    Performs code analysis using plato and eslint on all javascript files. Plato generates a report in the reports folder.


  • gulp test

    Runs all unit tests using karma runner, mocha, chai and sinon with phantomjs. Depends on vet task, for code analysis.

  • gulp autotest

    Runs a watch to run all unit tests.

Cleaning Up

  • gulp clean

    Remove all files from the build and temp folders

  • gulp clean-images

    Remove all images from the build folder

  • gulp clean-code

    Remove all javascript and html from the build folder

  • gulp clean-fonts

    Remove all fonts from the build folder

  • gulp clean-styles

    Remove all styles from the build folder

Fonts and Images

  • gulp fonts

    Copy all fonts from source to the build folder

  • gulp images

    Copy all images from source to the build folder


  • gulp styles

    Compile sass files to CSS, add vendor prefixes, and copy to a css folder

Bower Files

  • gulp wiredep

    Looks up all bower components' main files and JavaScript source code, then adds them to the index.html.

    The .bowerrc file also runs this as a postinstall task whenever bower install is run.

Serving Development Code

  • gulp serve-dev

    Serves the development code and launches it in a browser. The goal of building for development is to do it as fast as possible, to keep development moving efficiently. This task serves all code from the source folders and compiles sass to css in a temp css folder.

  • gulp serve-dev --nosync

    Serves the development code without launching the browser.

Building Production Code

  • gulp optimize

    Optimize all javascript and styles, move to a build folder, and inject them into the new index.html

  • gulp build

    Copies all fonts, copies images and runs gulp optimize to build the production code to the build folder.

Serving Production Code

  • gulp serve-build

    Serve the optimized code from the build folder and launch it in a browser.

  • gulp serve-build --nosync

    Serve the optimized code from the build folder and manually launch the browser.

Bumping Versions

  • gulp bump

    Bump the minor version using semver. --type=patch // default --type=minor --type=major --type=pre --ver=1.2.3 // specific version


MIT © Hexacta

Generated based in John Papa HotTowel

Opinionated Angular style guide for teams by @john_papa

More details about the styles and patterns used in this app can be found in Angular Style Guide


AngularJS application generator with a specific tool to generate AngularJS modules, components, resources and services.








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