Importer is a library to do dynamic importing of modules in python.
$ pip install importer-lib
from importer import Importer
# sets importer.module_a to the sys module
importer.import_item('module_a', 'sys')
# sets importer.module_b to the importer.core module
importer.import_item('module_b', 'importer.core')
# sets importer.module_c to the Importer class
importer.import_item('module_c', 'importer.core', class_name='Importer')
# Multiple Imports
# sets importer.modules to the specified modules
importer.import_item('modules', ('importer.core', 'os', 'sys', 'preggy'))
# sets importer.handlers to the the specified class in all modules
# this is very useful for modules that have the
# same class like request handlers (Handler class)
'handlers', (
), class_name='Handler'
# Loading all modules
# You can also specify several modules to load at once
# this is the same as all the calls above combined
{'key': 'module_a', 'module_names': 'sys'},
{'key': 'module_b', 'module_names': 'importer.core'},
{'key': 'module_c', 'module_names': 'importer.core', 'class_name': 'Importer'},
{'key': 'modules', 'module_names': ('importer.core', 'os', 'sys', 'preggy')},
{'key': 'classes', 'module_names': (
), 'class_name': 'Handler'},