Twitter opensourced Twitter Emoji and the official JavaScript implementation is available at twemoji.
This RubyGem twemoji
is a minimum implementation of Twitter Emoji in Ruby so that you can use emoji in your Ruby/Rails apps too!
Note: This gem might not implement all the features available in the JavaScript implementation.
- Twemoji Gem 3.x supports twemoji.js V2 (1661 emojis) Preview
- Twemoji Gem 2.x supports twemoji.js V1 (874 emojis) Preview
Preview pages' Images is CC-BY 4.0 by Twitter/Twemoji.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "twemoji"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install twemoji
$ touch app/helpers/emoji_helper.rb
module EmojiHelper
def emojify(content, **options)
Twemoji.parse(h(content), options).html_safe if content.present?
In your ERb view:
<%= emojify "I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!" %>
will render
I like chocolate <img class="emoji" draggable="false" title=":heart_eyes:" alt="π" src="">!
More options could be passed in, please see Twemoji.parse options for more details.
> Twemoji.find_by(text: ":heart_eyes:")
=> "1f60d"
> Twemoji.find_by(code: "1f60d")
=> ":heart_eyes:"
> Twemoji.find_by(unicode: "π")
=> ":heart_eyes:"
> Twemoji.find_by(unicode: "\u{1f60d}")
=> ":heart_eyes:"
> Twemoji.find_by_text(":heart_eyes:")
=> "1f60d"
> Twemoji.find_by_code("1f60d")
=> ":heart_eyes:"
> Twemoji.find_by(unicode: "π")
=> ":heart_eyes:"
> Twemoji.render_unicode ":heart_eyes:"
=> "π"
> Twemoji.render_unicode "1f60d"
=> "π"
> Twemoji.parse "I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!"
=> 'I like chocolate <img draggable="false" title=":heart_eyes:" alt="π" src="" class="emoji">!'
Default assets root url. Defaults to
> Twemoji.parse "I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!", asset_root: ""
=> 'I like chocolate <img draggable="false" title=":heart_eyes:" alt="π" src="" class="emoji">!'
Default assets file extensions. Defaults to svg
Can change to "png"
> Twemoji.parse 'I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!', file_ext: "png"
=> 'I like chocolate <img draggable="false" title=":heart_eyes:" alt="π" src="" class="emoji">!'
Default image CSS class name. Defaults to "emoji"
> Twemoji.parse "I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!", class_name: "superemoji"
=> 'I like chocolate <img draggable="false" title=":heart_eyes:" alt="π" src="" class="superemoji">!'
List of image attributes for the img
tag. Optional.
> Twemoji.parse "I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!", class_name: "twemoji", img_attrs: { style: "height: 1.3em;" }
=> 'I like chocolate <img draggable="false" title=":heart_eyes:" alt="π" src="" class="twemoji" style="height: 1.3em;">!'
attribute value can apply proc-like object, remove :
from title attribute:
> no_colons = ->(name) { name.gsub(":", "") }
> Twemoji.parse "I like chocolate :heart_eyes:!", class_name: "twemoji", img_attrs: { title: no_colons }
=> 'I like chocolate <img draggable="false" title="heart_eyes" alt="π" src="" class="twemoji">!'
> Twemoji.emoji_pattern
=> /(:mahjong:|:black_joker:| ... |:registered_sign:|:shibuya:)/
We prepare two constants: Twemoji::PNG and Twemoji::SVG (not loaded by default), you need to require them to use:
require "twemoji/png" # If you want to use Twemoji::PNG
require "twemoji/svg" # If you want to use Twemoji::SVG
Or require at Gemfile
# Require the one you need, require Twemoji::PNG
gem "twemoji", require: "twemoji/png"
# Or Twemoji::SVG
gem "twemoji", require: "twemoji/svg"
# Or both
gem "twemoji", require: ["twemoji/png", "twemoji/svg"]
Then you can do to_json
to feed your front-end.
You can also make custom format by leverage
# emojis.json.erb
<%= do |code, _|
value: code,
html: content_tag(:span, Twemoji.parse(code).html_safe + " #{code}" )
end.to_json.html_safe %>
options can be given in configure block, default values are:
Twemoji.configure do |config|
config.asset_root = ""
config.file_ext = "svg"
config.class_name = "emoji"
config.img_attrs = {}
Specify additional img attributes like so:
config.img_attrs = { style: "height: 1.3em;" }
If you'd like to size the emoji according to the surrounding text, you can add the following CSS to your stylesheet:
img.emoji {
height: 1em;
width: 1em;
margin: 0 .05em 0 .1em;
vertical-align: -0.1em;
This will make sure emoji derive their width and height from the font-size of the text they're shown with. It also adds just a little bit of space before and after each emoji, and pulls them upwards a little bit for better optical alignment.
To properly support emoji, the document character must be set to UTF-8. This can done by including the following meta tag in the document
<meta charset="utf-8">
IMPORTANT: Please follow the Attribution Requirements as stated on the official Twemoji (JS) repo.
Please see the file.
A huge THANK YOU to all our contributors! β€οΈ
The emoji keywords are from jollygoodcode/emoji-keywords.
Please see the file.
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