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nofib-analyse: Support comparing multiple runs in the summary table
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nomeata committed Mar 14, 2014
1 parent d9f1d03 commit a557442
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Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 25 deletions.
61 changes: 37 additions & 24 deletions nofib-analyse/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ per_prog_result_tab =
gcwork_spec, balance_spec, instrs_spec, mreads_spec, mwrite_spec, cmiss_spec, totmem_spec]

-- A single summary table, giving comparison figures for a number of
-- aspects, each in its own column. Only works when comparing two runs.
-- aspects, each in its own column. Only works when comparing at least two runs.
normal_summary_specs :: [PerProgTableSpec]
normal_summary_specs =
[ size_spec, alloc_spec, runtime_spec, elapsedtime_spec, totmem_spec ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ latexOutput results (Just table_name) _ _ _ norm inc_baseline
[] -> error ("can't find table named: " ++ table_name)
(spec:_) -> latexProgTable results spec norm inc_baseline "\n"

latexOutput results Nothing _ summary_spec summary_rows _ _ =
(if (length results == 2)
then ascii_summary_table True results summary_spec summary_rows
latexOutput results Nothing column_headings summary_spec summary_rows _ _ =
(if (length results >= 2)
then ascii_summary_table True results column_headings summary_spec summary_rows
. str "\n\n"
else id) ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,9 +494,9 @@ asciiPage :: [ResultTable] -> [String] -> [PerProgTableSpec] -> Maybe [String]
asciiPage results args summary_spec summary_rows norm =
( str reportTitle
. str "\n\n"
-- only show the summary table if we're comparing two runs
. (if (length results == 2)
then ascii_summary_table False results summary_spec summary_rows . str "\n\n"
-- only show the summary table if we're comparing at least two runs
. (if (length results >= 2)
then ascii_summary_table False results args summary_spec summary_rows . str "\n\n"
else id)
. interleave "\n\n" (map (asciiGenProgTable results args norm) per_prog_result_tab)
. str "\n"
Expand All @@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ ascii_header w ss
= str "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
. str (rjustify 15 "Program")
. str (space 5)
. foldr (.) id (map (str . rjustify w) ss)
. foldr (.) id (intersperse (str (space 1)) (map (str . rjustify w) ss))
. str "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -557,27 +557,33 @@ ascii_show_results (r:rs) ss f stat result_ok norm
:: Bool -- generate a LaTeX table?
-> [ResultTable]
-> [String]
-> [PerProgTableSpec]
-> Maybe [String]
-> ShowS
ascii_summary_table _ [] _ _
ascii_summary_table _ [] _ _ _
= error "ascii_summary_table: Can't happen?"
ascii_summary_table _ [_] _ _
ascii_summary_table _ [_] _ _ _
= error "ascii_summary_table: Can't happen?"
ascii_summary_table latex (r1:r2:_) specs mb_restrict
ascii_summary_table latex (rbase:rs) (_:names) specs mb_restrict
| latex = makeLatexTable (rows ++ TableLine : av_rows)
| otherwise =
makeTable (table_layout (length specs) w)
(TableLine : TableRow header_row :
TableLine : rows ++
TableLine : av_rows)
makeTable (table_layout (length specs * length rs) w) $
[ TableLine
, TableRow header_row ] ++
[ TableRow header_row2 | length rs > 1] ++
[ TableLine ] ++
rows ++
[ TableLine ] ++
header_row = BoxString "Program" : map BoxString headings
header_row2 = BoxString "" : map BoxString headings2

(headings, columns, av_cols) = unzip3 (map calc_col specs)
(headings, headings2, columns, av_cols) = unzip4 (concatMap calc_col_group specs)
av_heads = [BoxString "Min", BoxString "Max", BoxString "Geometric Mean"]
baseline = Map.toList r1
progs = map BoxString (Map.keys r1)
baseline = Map.toList rbase
progs = map BoxString (Map.keys rbase)
rows0 = map TableRow (zipWith (:) progs (transpose columns))

rows1 = restrictRows mb_restrict rows0
Expand All @@ -586,13 +592,17 @@ ascii_summary_table latex (r1:r2:_) specs mb_restrict
| otherwise = rows1

av_rows = map TableRow (zipWith (:) av_heads (transpose av_cols))
w = 10

calc_col_group :: PerProgTableSpec -> [(String, String, [BoxValue], [BoxValue])]
calc_col_group spec = [calc_col spec r n | (r,n) <- zip rs names]

calc_col (SpecP _ heading _ getr gets ok)
calc_col :: PerProgTableSpec -> ResultTable -> String -> (String, String, [BoxValue], [BoxValue])
calc_col (SpecP _ heading _ getr gets ok) r n
-- throw away the baseline result
= (heading, column, [column_min, column_max, column_mean])
= (heading, n, column, [column_min, column_max, column_mean])
where (_, boxes) = unzip (map calc_one_result baseline)
calc_one_result = calc_result [r2] getr gets ok convert_to_percentage
calc_one_result = calc_result [r] getr gets ok convert_to_percentage
column = map (\(_:b:_) -> b) boxes
(_, column_mean, _) = calc_gmsd column
(column_min, column_max) = calc_minmax column
Expand All @@ -617,7 +627,7 @@ mungeForLaTeX = map transrow
transchar c s = c:s

table_layout :: Int -> Int -> Layout
table_layout n w boxes = foldr (.) id $ zipWith ($) fns boxes
table_layout n w boxes = foldr (.) id $ intersperse (str (space 1)) $ zipWith ($) fns boxes
where fns = (str . rjustify 15 . show ) :
(\s -> str (space 5) . str (rjustify w (show s))) :
replicate (n-1) (str . rjustify w . show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,7 +691,7 @@ show_per_prog_results_width :: Int -> (String, [BoxValue]) -> ShowS
show_per_prog_results_width w (prog,results)
= str (rjustify 15 prog)
. str (space 5)
. foldr (.) id (map (str . rjustify w . showBox) results)
. foldr (.) id (intersperse (str (space 1)) (map (str . rjustify w . showBox) results))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CSV output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -963,4 +973,7 @@ interleave s = foldr1 (\a b -> a . str s . b)


2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion nofib-analyse/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include $(TOP)/mk/

PROG = nofib-analyse

$(PROG): *.hs
$(BOOT_HC) -O -cpp --make Main -o $(PROG)

all :: $(PROG)
Expand Down

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