Use a Raspberry Pi to control all your home flic buttons without the flic app or a flic hub.
Using it in your terminal requires Docker installed in your system.
Detach from the container and use the host's network stack.
docker run -d --cap-add NET_ADMIN --net=host hfreire/my-flic-hub
Swagger documentation available at http://localhost:3000/docs
Variable | Description | Required | Default value |
PORT | The port to be used by the HTTP server. | false | 3000 |
API_KEYS | The secret keys that should be used when securing endpoints. | false | undefined |
SO_TIMEOUT | TCP socket connection timeout. | false | 120000 |
BASE_PATH | Base path to be prefixed to all available endpoint paths. | false | / |
PING_PATH | Endpoint path for pinging app. | false | /ping |
HEALTHCHECK_PATH | Endpoint for checking app health. | false | /healthcheck |
LOG_LEVEL | The log level verbosity. | false | info |
ENVIRONMENT | The environment the app is running on. | false | undefined |
ROLLBAR_API_KEY | The server API key used to talk with Rollbar. | false | undefined |
git clone
cd my-flic-hub
npm run build
You can contribute either with code (e.g., new features, bug fixes and documentation) or by donating 5 EUR. You can read the contributing guidelines for instructions on how to contribute with code.
All donation proceedings will go to the Sverige för UNHCR, a swedish partner of the UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency, a global organisation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
Read the license for permissions and limitations.