SFtp is a FTP extension for YII 2 Framework based on Yii2-gftp extension.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist hguenot/yii2-gsftp "*"
or add
"hguenot/yii2-gsftp": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Here is a basic usage of GFtp extension.
- Create an FTP application component (in your Web config file)
return [
// [...]
// [...]
'ftp' => [
'class' => '\gftp\FtpComponent',
'connectionString' => 'sftp://user:pass@host:22',
'driverOptions' => [ 'timeout' => 120 ]
// [...]
- You can user either a connection string where protocol could be ftp or ftps or directly set
properties :
return [
// [...]
// [...]
'ftp' => [
'class' => '\gftp\FtpComponent',
'driverOptions' => [
'class' => \gftp\FtpProtocol::valueOf('sftp')->driver,
'user' => 'me@somewhere.otrb',
'pass' => 'PassW0rd',
'host' => 'ssh.somewhere.otrb',
'port' => 22,
'timeout' => 120
// [...]
You can find examples on Yii2-gftp extension site.