jquery gently scroll to top plugin
topThreshold : 100,
duration : 200,
skip : true,
skipTargetTop : 200
- topThreshold
- (Number) when you scroll down the topThreshold value, the toTop button will appear in the display
- duration
- (Number) duration of scroll animation
- skip
- (Bool) use gently scroll = true, use normal scroll = false
- skipTargetTop
- (Number) target point of gently scroll
- ease
- (String) ease param, 'easeOutCubic' etc..
- leftTarget
- (String || jquery selector) the button follow leftTarget Object when the window is resized
<script src="./src/js/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="./src/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
<script src="./src/coffee/scroll-to-top-gently.js"></script>
topThreshold : 100,
duration : 200,
skip : true,
skipTargetTop : 200
<a class="fr-js-totop">to Top</a>