We will be setting up a small cluster using virtual machines as described in the following diagram
We'll be using KVM as a hypervisor for this setup. Sample network and domain definitions are provided in the virt_trinity folder. We can use those as is to create our cluster.
Define and start networks:
~# (cd networks/; for DEF in $(ls); do virsh net-define $DEF && sudo virsh net-start ${DEF%.xml} && virsh net-autostart ${DEF%.xml}; done)Create a CentOS img for the master node:
~# virt-builder centos-7.2 --format qcow2 --selinux-relabel --size 40G -o /opt/master.qcow2Create empty disks for the other virtual machines:
~# (cd domains/; for VM in $(ls c* n*); do qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata /opt/${VM%.xml}.qcow2 50G; done)Define virtual machines:
~# (cd domains/; for DEF in $(ls); do virsh define $DEF; done)
After everything is defined we need to boot up the master node:
~# virsh start master
Let's first setup the master node that we'll use to configure the controller nodes.
Configure hostname and networking:
~# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE="eth0" ONBOOT=yes NETBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp TYPE=Ethernet DEFROUTE=yes ~# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE="eth1" ONBOOT=yes NETBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=none TYPE=Ethernet NETMASK= IPADDR=
Install required repositories and tools:
~# rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-6.noarch.rpm ~# rpm -Uvh https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/EOL/openstack-juno/rdo-release-juno-1.noarch.rpm ~# sed -i "/^baseurl/s/openstack-juno/EOL\/openstack-juno/" /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-release.repo ~# rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org ~# rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.0-2.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm ~# yum install -y iptables-services ntp wget bash-completion yum-utils createrepo docker docker-registry git ~# wget https://xcat.org/files/xcat/repos/yum/2.11/xcat-core/xCAT-core.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ ~# wget https://xcat.org/files/xcat/repos/yum/xcat-dep/rh7/x86_64/xCAT-dep.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ ~# yum install -y xCAT
Enable NAT in iptables:
~# systemctl stop firewalld ~# systemctl disable firewalld ~# systemctl enable iptables ~# systemctl start iptables ~# iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT ~# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE ~# service iptables save
Enable and start ntpd:
~# systemctl enable ntpd ~# systemctl start ntpd
Make sure the master node can ssh to the kvm host without a password
Add xCAT commands to the execution path:
~# source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh
Update the following key values on the site table:
~# tabedit site "master","",, "forwarders",",",, "nameservers","",, "domain","kvm-cluster",, "dhcpinterfaces","eth1",, "timezone","Europe/Amsterdam",, "installdir","/install",, "tftpdir","/tftpboot",, "xcatdport","3001",, "xcatiport","3002",, "dhcplease","43200",,
Clone trinity and checkout latest release:
~# git clone https://github.com/clustervision/trinity ~# (cd trinity && git checkout r8)
Add master, kvmhost and VM nodes to xcat tables:
~# tabedit hosts "master","","master master.kvm-cluster",,, "kvmhost","<kvm_host_ip_addr>",,,, "controller-1","","controller-1",,, "controller-2","","controller-2",,, ~# tabedit mac "controller-1",,"52:54:00:9c:94:4a",, "controller-2",,"52:54:00:9c:95:4a",, ~# tabedit nodelist "master","all",,,,,,,,,,, "kvmhost","all",,,,,,,,,,, "controller-1","controller,vm,all",,,,,,,,,,, "controller-2","controller,vm,all",,,,,,,,,,, ~# tabedit vm "controller",,"kvmhost",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~# tabedit noderes "controller",,"xnba",,,,,,,"mac",,,,,,,,,,, ~# tabedit nodehm "controller",,"kvm",,,,,"0","115200",,,,,, ~# tabedit passwd "omapi","xcat_key","bnZmaGlnbjJRMXNLQnNtQTh6N0VmQmhtWEc2eHlkdXA=",,,, "system","root","<PASSWORD>",,,, ~# tabedit networks "internal_net","","","eth1","<xcatmaster>","","",,,,,,,,,,,, "cluster_mgt_net","","","eth1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "cluster_bmc_net","","","eth1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "cluster_vm_net","","","br100",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~# tabrestore ./trinity/master/tables/postscripts.csv
Update osimage and linuximage tables using the files in ./trinity/master/tables/:
~# sed -i 's."cv_install."confignics,cv_install.' ./trinity/master/tables/osimage.csv ~# chdef controller-1 nicips.eth1="|" nicips.br100="" nicnetworks.br100="cluster_vm_net" nicnetworks.eth1="cluster_mgt_net|cluster_bmc_net" nictypes.eth1="Ethernet" nictypes.eth2="Ethernet" nictypes.br100="Ethernet" niccustomscripts.eth2="configeth eth2" niccustomscripts.br100="cv_configeth_noip br100" nicextraparams.eth2="BRIDGE=br100" nicextraparams.br100="TYPE=Bridge" ~# chdef controller-2 nicips.eth1="|" nicips.br100="" nicnetworks.br100="cluster_vm_net" nicnetworks.eth1="cluster_mgt_net|cluster_bmc_net" nictypes.eth1="Ethernet" nictypes.eth2="Ethernet" nictypes.br100="Ethernet" niccustomscripts.eth2="configeth eth2" niccustomscripts.br100="cv_configeth_noip br100" nicextraparams.eth2="BRIDGE=br100" nicextraparams.br100="TYPE=Bridge" ~# tabrestore ./trinity/master/tables/osimage.csv ~# tabrestore ./trinity/master/tables/linuximage.csv
Setup name resolution and dhcp configuration:
~# makehosts -n ~# makedns -n ~# makedhcp -n ~# systemctl restart dhcpd ~# rndc reload
Update the kickstart template used to configure the controllers and adjust LVM sizes and disk names:
~# cat ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/custom/install/centos/controller.partitions part /boot --size 256 --fstype ext4 --ondisk /dev/vda part swap --recommended --ondisk /dev/vda part pv.01 --size 1 --grow --ondisk /dev/vda volgroup vg_root pv.01 logvol / --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_root --size 25000 --fstype ext4 logvol /drbd --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_drbd --size=22000
Update openstack nova's configuration to allow for nested virtualization. Add the following line to ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/postscripts/cv_install_nova_on_controller:
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/nova.conf libvirt virt_type qemu
Run trinity update script to set up necessary configuration files and scripts in their expected paths:
~# (cd trinity/ && ./update master)
Export /trinity as an NFS mount:
~# echo "/trinity *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)" >> /etc/exports ~# exportfs -a
Create the repositories that'll be used to setup the controller nodes:
~# cat ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/custom/install/centos/*pkg* ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/custom/netboot/centos/*pkg* | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^@ | sort -u > /tmp/pkglist ~# cat ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/custom/install/centos/*pkg* ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/custom/netboot/centos/*pkg* | grep ^@ | sort -u > /tmp/grplist ~# mkdir -p /install/post/otherpkgs/centos7/x86_64/Packages ~# cat /tmp/pkglist | xargs repotrack -p /install/post/otherpkgs/centos7/x86_64/Packages ~# cat /tmp/grplist | sed 's,@ ,@,' | xargs yumdownloader --resolve --destdir /install/post/otherpkgs/centos7/x86_64/Packages ~# createrepo /install/post/otherpkgs/centos7/x86_64/
Build docker images:
~# systemctl start docker docker-registry ~# systemctl enable docker-registry ~# ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/postscripts/cv_build_master_registry
Build environment modules (otherwise scp from working master):
~# ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/postscripts/cv_build_master_modules
Build the login image used to spawn login instances (otherwise scp from working master):
~# ./trinity/controller/rootimg/install/postscripts/cv_build_master_login_image
In order for a login instance to boot up in a nested virtualization context add the no_timer_check kernel option to the image:
~# LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-edit -a /trinity/qcows/login.qcow2 /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Download CentOS DVD image:
~# mkdir /trinity/iso ~# wget http://mirror.amsiohosting.net/centos.org/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511.iso -P /trinity/iso
Create initial centos repositories:
~# copycds -n centos7 -o /trinity/iso/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511.iso
Assign the active and passive images to the first and second controllers respectively:
~# nodeset controller-1 osimage=centos7-x86_64-install-controller-active ~# nodeset controller-2 osimage=centos7-x86_64-install-controller-passive
Boot up the first controller:
~# rpower controller-1 on
After an hour or so, boot up the second controller:
~# rpower controller-2 on
To be able to access the dashboard on http://localhost we can double tunnel in:
local# ssh -L 80:localhost:8089 root@kvmhost kvmhost# ssh -L 8089:localhost:80 root@controller-1
Add compute nodes in xcat tables:
~# tabedit hosts "kvmhost","<kvmhost_ip_addr>",,,, ~# tabedit mac "node001",,"52:54:00:9c:94:7a",, "node002",,"52:54:00:9c:94:8a",, ~# tabedit nodehm "compute",,"kvm",,,,,"0","115200",,,,,, ~# tabedit nodelist "kvmhost","all",,,,,,,,,,, "node001","compute,vm,all",,,,,,,,,,, "node002","compute,vm,all",,,,,,,,,,, ~# tabedit vm "compute",,"kvmhost",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~# tabedit hwinv "compute",,"1",,,,
Add a new default group that will hold container members that we'll create in the next step:
~# mkdef -t group -o hw-default
Add container definitions to xcat tables for trinity to be able to manage cluster partitions:
~# nodeadd c001 groups=hw-default ~# nodeadd c002 groups=hw-default
Update trinity's config file /etc/trinity/trinity_api.conf to reflect the correct node prefix if using a prefix other than node
Setup name resolution and dhcp configuration:
~# makehosts -n ~# makedns -n ~# makedhcp -n ~# systemctl restart dhcpd ~# rndc reload
Assign the trinity netboot image to the compute nodes:
~# nodeset compute osimage=centos7-x86_64-netboot-trinity
Boot up the compute nodes:
~# rpower compute on
- Trinity repository needs to be cleaned up of unused bits and pieces
- update script needs to clean up any existing packages
- missing file /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/scripts/pre.rh.rhel7 (has something to do with the xcat version i'm using)
- ./otherpkgs: line 891: /usr/bin/logger: Argument list too long (had to comment out the line)
- No need for the ‘/rh/dracut_033’ symlinks in cv_install_controller, they already exist
- we need to be able to re-run postscripts without having to reset a node
- postscripts should provide some sort of error handling
- make sure the cv_configure_storage refers to the correct disks
- cxx nodes are not automatically added to xcat db
- trinity-api dashboard needs to be restarted in order to reflect current xcat db
- had to restart pacemaker cluster on the ctrl2 before it could run properly
- if using xCAT 2.10+ trinity api needs to be updated (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trinity_api/api.py:966) password=>userPW
- https://github.com/clustervision/trinity/blob/r8/controller/rootimg/install/postscripts/cv_ha_sentinel#L17 Error: Unable to find constraint - 'location-ip-controller-1.cluster-50'
- slurm must be restarted when nodes are added or removed from a partition
- edit /usr/sbin/trinity-start:6 to reflect the correct node prefix if using something other than node
- when reset, the compute nodes fail to load docker daemon. docker pool has different UUID and disks are not reformated.