This is a one-stop collection of all the documentation for my current Hibbitts Design open education and publishing Docsify projects, delivered by - you guessed it - the magical documentation site generator Docsify.
- Docsify Open Course Starter Kit
- Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit
- Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit
This is a customized Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit site which can render multiple remote Markdown files (for example, a Markdown file in a GitHub repository).
For example, to render a Markdown file named (the expected default name) as a regular Docsify page the URL would be:
To render a Markdown file named (the expected default name) as a standalone page the URL would be:
To render a Markdown file named (the expected default name) as a standalone page with a table of contents the URL would be:
To render a Markdown file named as a regular Docsify page, the URL would be:
To render a Markdown file named as a standalone page, the URL would be:
To render a Markdown file named as a standalone page with a table of contents, the URL would be:
TIP: To get the path of a file on GitHub for the basepath URL parameter, tap the Raw button when viewing the file and then remove the filename. If not a README file, the filename will need to be passed using the homepage URL parameter.
Beau Shaw for his Remote Docsify example.
Alan Levine for the inspiration of a consolidated ReadMe collection.