Remote Sensing Analytics with LANDSAT Satellite
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One of the important urban and envirnomental planning metrics is the ambient temperature which correlates to thermal comfort. However we cannot have a accurate sensing of the ambient temperature because of the sparse ambient temperature sensors installed in Singapore.
We turn to USGS Landsat 8 satellite images to generate Land Surface Temperature (LST) maps. LST is the radiative skin temperature of the land derived from solar radiation. We use LST as a proxy to ambient temperature.
In this repository, you will find the scripts required to download, generate and stack LST maps.
conda install --file requirements.txt
maptools | rlist |
raster | rstudioapi |
RColorBrewer | sp |
rgdal |
install.packages(c("maptools", "raster", "RColorBrewer", "rgdal", "rlist", "rstudioapi", "sp"))
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.