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QtESPFlasher is CLI/GUI wrapper around esp-serial-flasher, a portable C library for flashing of Espressif SoCs.

It currently supports the following ESP microcontrollers:

Table of contents
  1. Features
  2. Options
  3. Usage


  • No dependencies
  • GUI flashes either
  • CLI is a drop-in replace for esptools write-flash command
  • Pre-built Windows and Linux executables


Most options are supported equally by CLI and GUI. The following table contains all CLI options.

Option Description
-c, --chip Target chip type
-p, --port Serial port device
-b, --baud Serial port baud rate
--before What to do before connecting to the chip
-a, --after What to do after QtESPFlasher is finished
--no-stub Disable launching the flasher stub, only talk to ROM bootloader
-t, --trace Enable trace-level output of QtESPFlasher interactions
-l, --list List all available serial devices

And this screenshot shows how the options are displayed in the GUI.

Reset modes

By default, QtESPFlasher tries to hard reset the chip into bootloader mode before it starts and hard resets the chip to run the normal program once it is complete. The --before and --after options allow this behavior to be changed.

Reset before operation

The --before argument allows you to specify whether the chip needs resetting into bootloader mode before QtESPFlasher talks to it.

  • --before default_reset is the default, which uses DTR & RTS serial control lines to try to reset the chip into bootloader mode.
  • --before no_reset will skip DTR/RTS control signal assignments and just start sending a serial synchronization command to the chip. This is useful if your chip doesn't have DTR/RTS, or for some serial interfaces (like Arduino board onboard serial) which behave differently when DTR/RTS are toggled.

Reset after operation

The --after argument allows you to specify whether the chip should be reset after the QtESPFlasher operation completes.

  • --after hard_reset is the default. The DTR serial control line is used to reset the chip into a normal boot sequence.
  • --after no_reset leaves the chip in the serial bootloader, no reset is performed.

Disabling the stub loader

The --no-stub option disables uploading of a software "stub loader" that manages flash operations, and only talks directly to the loader in ROM.


QtESPFlasher has a --trace option which can be supplied in the first group of arguments (before the command). This will dump all traffic sent and received via the serial port to a log file called trace.txt in the application root directory.

Chip type

The target chip type can be selected using the -c, --chip option. If no -c option is specified, QtESPFlasher automatically detects the chip type when connecting.

Serial port

The serial port is selected using the -p, --port option. If no -p option is specified, QtESPFlasher will enumerate all connected serial ports and try each one until it finds an Espressif device connected.

Baud rate

The default QtESPFlasher baud rate is 115200. Slower rates may be set using -b, --baud. It is recommend to only set the baud rate if you're experiencing transmission errors during flashing. If left at default QtESPFlasher tries to change the baud rate to 460800 when running to considerably reduce flash times.



When used as a command line tool QtESPFlasher can be a drop-in replace for the esptools write-flash command.

./QtESPFlasher -p ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x0 bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 hello_world.bin
Connecting to ttyUSB0
Found esp32s3
Changing baud rate to 460800
Flash will be erased from 0x0 to 0x5fff
Writing at 0x400... (4%)
Writing at 0xc00... (14%)
Writing at 0x1400... (23%)
Writing at 0x1c00... (33%)
Writing at 0x2400... (42%)
Writing at 0x2c00... (52%)
Writing at 0x3400... (61%)
Writing at 0x3c00... (71%)
Writing at 0x4400... (80%)
Writing at 0x4c00... (90%)
Flash will be erased from 0x10000 to 0x4afff
Writing at 0x10400... (0%)
Writing at 0x16000... (10%)
Writing at 0x1bc00... (20%)
Writing at 0x21800... (30%)
Writing at 0x27400... (40%)
Writing at 0x2d400... (50%)
Writing at 0x33000... (60%)
Writing at 0x38c00... (70%)
Writing at 0x3e800... (80%)
Writing at 0x44800... (90%)
Writing at 0x4a130... (100%)
Hard resetting via RTS pin...


QtESPFlasher offers a few different ways to select binaries for flashing.

Add directory

The build directory of an ESP-IDF project can be selected directly using the folder open symbol. ESP-IDF builds generate a file called flasher_args.json which contains project flash information in JSON format. This file is red by QtESPFlasher to obtain all of the projects binaries and their offsets.
usage add dir

Add .zip archive

A zipped ESP-IDF build directory can also be selected directly using the file symbol. The .zip file must contain a flasher_args.json file, just like when adding a directory.
usage add zip

Add binaries

If there is no flasher_args.json file available, binaries can also be added directly. This is done by selecting .bin files with the file symbol. Please note that in this case the offset must be entered manually. Offsets in the C language convention, such as “0x” for base 16 or “0b” for base 2, are supported.
usage add bin