This repository is a collection of code I've written while TAing EEC180B at UC Davis. This is mainly wrapper code for interacting with the various peripherals on the Altera/Intel DE10-Lite development board to facilitate various student labs.
The code here is meant to be used as a starting point for using the peripheral components on the development board.
Since this is wrapper code, it may or may not be functional standalone as-is. When I have time, I will endeavor to make examples more complete and wholly synthesizeable.
If you try to use any part of this repository and experience problems, of if any instructions are unclear, please open an issue or contact me.
This repository will be split into two main subdirectories,
directory with Verilog modules, associated testbenches, and other auxiliary code if necessary. -
directory with sample Quartus projects using the various components to demonstrate how they work in the "real world".
sdram_tester: A simple QSYS project demonstrating how to:
- Use the SDRAM chip on the DE10-Lite board using the Intel SDRAM controller IP.
- Transfer data between the FPGA and host PC using the USB-Blaster cable.
GIF Player: Play GIFs from the DE10-Lite using VGA. GIFs or static images can be transferredfrom the host PC to the FPGA over the USB-Blaster at runtime.
SPI Driver: 4-wire SPI driver. This module is primarily for communication with the GSensor chip on the DE10-Lite board, but is hackable enough for use in other situations if needed.
GSensor: Module for initializing and reading data from the GSensor (Accelerometer) on the DE10-Lite board.
SDRAM Controller: Tutorial on how to use the SDRAM chip on the DE10-Lite using the Intel SDRAM controller IP
USB-Blaster: Tutorial on how to transfer data between the FPGA and host PC using the USB-Blaster cable.
VGA Driver: Simple VGA signal generator. Allows building of more complex display based projects. The base design is targeted for the
resolution that the DE10-Lite is capable of, but is parameterized to be used at different resolutions. -
UART: Simple, parametric UART driver.
GSensor Monitor
: Use the GSensor to move a box around a screen. Also transmit GSensor data from the FPGA to host PC.