This is tic tac toe game made in a webpage style. This game is a one page app made with javascript+jquery, html, css+scss. The main purpose is to help me strength my scss and jquery skill in the mean time creating a fun game that propbably has never been played that will give you the ability to let infinite width and height while allowing infinte players including bots to play (that is however in principle but I am aiming there). Enjoy have Fun!
- Allow multi-player
- Allow gainst computer, with MinMax algorithm
- Uses a class Implementation of the tic-tac-toe-game
- When winner, cells highlight and character's cross out
- Include button to reset board at any time during game
- Uses scss and jquery though the implimentation could easly be tweeked to work without them
- can work for a board size besidex the classical 3 by 3
- Live Example - (
- Github -
- Fire up the index.html file in any web browser and you'll be good to go!