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Udacity captstone flask project for Fullstack Web Developer Nanodegree

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TITLE Movie-Robots: Casting Application


PURPOSE Movie-Robots casting application models a company that is responsible for documenting movies with robot actors. Movies and robots can be viewed, added, updated, deleted and searched in the application. This is the capstone project for Udacity's Full-Stack Web Nanodegree program.


Backend Python==3.7.4 PostgreSQL v.13

Key Backend Dependencies Flask==1.0.2
Flask-Cors==3.0.8 SQLAlchemy==1.3.3

Frontend angular-cli==11.1.4

Run application locally

1.Clone application 2.Create a virtual environment (example using Anadonda) (base) C:\CastingApp>.\env\Scripts\activate

3.Install requirements and freeze them (env) (base) C:\CastingApp> pip install -r requirements.txt (env) (base) C:\CastingApp> pip freeze > requirements.txt

4.Add and update code and post to Heroku or github (env) (base) C:\CastingApp> git add . && git commit -m "Update" (env) (base) C:\CastingApp> git push heroku main (env) (base) C:\CastingApp> git push origin main

5.Open a terminal to view heroku logs C:\CastingApp> heroku logs --tail

6.Open another terminal - compile frontend code CastingApp>frontends> src $ ng serve --port 8081

7.View frontend - locally automatically reloads with source file changes http://localhost:8081/movies

8.Locally run unittests Create PostgreSQL test database locally and run the api unittests Uncomment some code in a. Disable roles and run api tests - C:\CastingApp> python b. Test access tokens - C:\CastingApp> python

9.Check application is running


Create the database "cast-app" and populate tables - uncomment the following:

PostgreSQL Database - Heroku CLI

cast-app::DATABASE=> \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------+----------+---------------- public | actors | table | vxcrabcbgadapt public | actors_id_seq | sequence | vxcrabcbgadapt public | movies | table | vxcrabcbgadapt public | movies_id_seq | sequence | vxcrabcbgadapt (4 rows)

cast-app::DATABASE=> \d movies Table "public.movies" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ id | integer | | not null | nextval('movies_id_seq'::regclass) title | character varying(128) | | not null | release_date | date | | not null | movie_img | character varying(500) | | not null | movie_publish | boolean | | not null | Indexes: "movies_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

cast-app::DATABASE=> \d actors Table "public.actors" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ id | integer | | not null | nextval('actors_id_seq'::regclass) first_name | character varying(30) | | not null | last_name | character varying(30) | | not null | birth_date | date | | not null | gender | character varying(10) | | not null | actor_img | character varying(500) | | not null | actor_publish | boolean | | not null | Indexes: "actors_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)


GET '/api/movies'

Fetches: All movie titles
Request Arguments: None
Returns: A list of movie titles
Permissions: Public, Director, Assistant can GET and view this endpoint.

GET '/api/movies/id'

Fetches: A single movie data.
Request Arguments: id
Returns: All movie data for a single movie.
Permissions: Director and Assistant can GET and view this endpoint.

POST '/api/movies'

Fetches: Movie data representation.
Request Arguments: Input string with movie data for each movie.
Returns: Movie array added to list of movies.
Permissions: Director can POST with this endpoint.

PATCH '/api/movies/id'

Fetches: Single movie data representation.
Request Arguments: Unique id - primary key: value of existing movie id.
Returns: Movie array of single movie.
Permission: Assistant can PATCH with this endpoint.

PATCH '/api/movies/id/publish' or /api/movies/id/unpublish'

Fetches: Single movie data representation.
Request Arguments: Unique id - primary key: value of existing movie id.
Returns: Movie boolean for publish / unpublish.
Permission: Assistant can PATCH with this endpoint.

DELETE '/api/movies/id'

Fetches: Single movie data representation.
Request Arguments: Unique id - primary key: value of existing movie id.
Returns: Movie array of the single deleted movie data.
Permission: Director can DELETE with this endpoint.

SEARCH '/api/movies/search'

Fetches: Searches for like movie title.
Request Arguments: Any input.
Returns: Any title like search query.
Permission: Public, Director, Assistant can SEARCH with this endpoint.

GET '/api/actors'

Fetches: All actor titles
Request Arguments: None
Returns: A list of actor titles
Permissions: Public, Director, Assistant can GET and view this endpoint.

GET '/api/actors/id'

Fetches: A single actor data.
Request Arguments: id
Returns: All actor data for a single actor.
Permissions: Director and Assistant can GET and view this endpoint.

POST '/api/actors'

Fetches: Actor data representation.
Request Arguments: Input string with actor data for each actor.
Returns: Actor array added to list of actors.
Permissions: Director can POST with this endpoint.

PATCH '/api/actors/id'

Fetches: Single actor data representation.
Request Arguments: Unique id - primary key: value of existing actor id.
Returns: Actor array of single actor.
Permission: Assistant can PATCH with this endpoint.

PATCH '/api/actors/id/publish' or '/api/actors/id/unpublish'

Fetches: Single actor data representation.
Request Arguments: Unique id - primary key: value of existing actor id.
Returns: Actor boolean for publish / unpublish.
Permission: Assistant can PATCH with this endpoint.

DELETE '/api/actors/id'

Fetches: Single actor data representation.
Request Arguments: Unique id - primary key: value of existing actor id.
Returns: Actor array of the single deleted actor data.
Permission: Director can DELETE with this endpoint.

SEARCH '/api/actors/search'

Fetches: Searches for like actor first name.
Request Arguments: Any input.
Returns: Any actor first name like search query.
Permission: Public, Director, Assistant can SEARCH with this endpoint.


Auth0 Universal Login is used for authentication Auth0 authorizes two roles, Assistant and Director, to access APIs

role: Assistant login: password:

role: Director login: password:


Udacity captstone flask project for Fullstack Web Developer Nanodegree






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