I haven't use Firebase for a year or so. If I use Firebase for Javasecript front end work now, I think I choose React instead of Knockout. Sorry, but I mean I abandoned this project.
KnockoutFire map Firebase json structure into HTML structure using KnockoutJs.
Latest release may have breaking changes.
I recommend to use versioned release, like 0.0.5 instead.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
In bower.json or component.json.
"dependencies": {
"knockoutfire": "git://"
This will fetch latest tag.
items: {
-XXX: {
content: "Hello"
-YYY: {
content: "World."
<div id="viewModel">
<ul data-bind="foreach: items">
<li data-bind="text: content"></li>
var firebase = new Firebase("");
var viewModel = KnockoutFire.observable(firebase, {
items: {
"$item": {
content: true,
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, document.getElementById("viewModel"));
The notation resembles to Firebase Security Rule.
You need to specify which properties are used as observable properties of view models. KnockoutFire will retrieve only what specified in the map.
- Each properties will be a
and synchronized with the corresponding value in Firebase.
person: {
firstName: true,
lastName: true
If you use a property name start with $
, the parent property will be ko.observableArray()
users: {
"$user": {
nickname: true,
For add/remove/move operations, you should use Firebase API instead of manipulating observable array directly.
If you need reverse order;
comments: {
".reverse": true,
"$comment": {
content: true
comments: {
".startAt": 0,
".endAt": {
".priority": 100,
".name": "foo"
".limit": 20
"startAt": 1
"startAt": {".priority": 1, ".name": "hiroshi"}
->startAt(1, "hiroshi")
"startAt": undefined
For more information, Querying and Limiting Data in Firebase | Firebase Documentation.
adds additional sub viewModel to an observable array.
comments: {
".newItem": true,
"$comment": {
content: true
<div data-bind="with: comments.newItem">
<form data-bind="submit: create">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: content">
<input type="submit">
If you need a priority
to be set;
".newItem": {
".priority": function() { return }
If you need a default value rather than from a data-bind;
".newItem": {
isdone: function(){ return false; }
If you need a callback on success;
".newItem": {
".on_success": function(){ do_someting(); }
To use Denormalized data use .indexOf
members: {
"$user": {
".indexOf": "/users/$user",
"nickName": true
You can access nickName like this:
You can use Knockout extender.
ko.extenders.person = function(self, option) {
self.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
Then specify the extender by name:
person: {
firstName: true,
lastName: true,
".extend": {person: true}