We have finalized the idea after submitting our first proposal now. We decided on a Decentralized freelancing Web application. The project is decentralized using the ethereum blockchain. To give a brief overview, a freelancing project consists of two major aspects: The price and the deadline. Any web application should consist of these two features whether decentralized or not. It is important to make sure that a freelancer gets his fees if he delivers his project and on the other hand, the employer should have some guarantee to make sure the project will be delivered on time before the deadline.
An employer can create a smart contract having the following arguments: deadline, the freelancer’s address, and the price of the project he is willing to pay. He would need to deposit some ether into the contract to initialize it to make sure of payment.
The freelancer should also be able to check the properties of the smart contract to check if the fees to be paid and the deadline of the project are matching. The project can also be divided into small parts such that after completion of each small part, the freelancer can ask for some ether to be deposited to him.
All of these details should be shown on the web app to the employer. He can then unlock the freelancer’s reward from his end to send the ether for partial completion. The Freelancer can also easily now withdraw this ether.
If the freelancer is not able to complete the project on the given deadline, then:
The deadline can be increased by the employer.
The deadline can be canceled by the employer. All the remaining ether in the smart contract would be deposited back to the employer.
- React-JS
- React Routes
- React-Bootstrap
- React-Hooks and functional components
- Ganache
- Truffle
- Solidity
- web3
- Solidity, Ganache, Truffle for writing and deploying smart contracts
- Testing using Javascript promises
- Front end using React
- Used react router, states, props, controlled forms, PureComponents for faster rendering.
- Used DidComponentMount() to fetch data form blockchain and update variable states
- Go to the your required directory and run
git clone <repo-link>
. - Change network/blockchain configuration in
file in project directory. - Change freelancer address and initial amount in
file in/migrations
directory. - connect your metamask account in the browser.
- go to
directory and runnpm start
to start development server.
- Use react hooks and functional components instead class components.
- Deploy the smart contract to a public testnet instead of local ganache.
Create a new project directory -- Delance
truffle unbox react
to create a truffle project with smart contract. -
Delete test files, simplestorage.sol,
with this.
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
// See <http://truffleframework.com/docs/advanced/configuration>
// to customize your Truffle configuration!
contracts_build_directory: path.joi(__dirname, "client/src/contracts"),
networks: {
develop: {
network_id: "*",
port: 8545,
host: ""
mocha: {},
compilers: {
solc: {
version: "^0.8.7",
update pragrma statement with
pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.9.0
; -
try to compile smart contract using
truffle compile
. -
create delance smart contract using
truffle create contract Delance
. -
copy the code from in
from given file -
truffle test
create new test using
truffle create test Delance
code -
truffle test
Run ganache -- add its port and host in truffle-config.js
Update freelancer address, deadline, and initialBalance in
as required. -
truffle migrate
- By default, smart contract will be deployed with
and parameters you specified in the deployment file. - Check your blockchain. After successful deployation you should see some transactions on the blockchain.
- By default, smart contract will be deployed with
Cheers, you are done with the backend part.
Go to
directory and openApp.js
file. -
Replace simplestorage with Delance and comment out everything in runExamples
Go back to
directory and runnpm start
-- make sure to connect metamask before. -
Go to
directory and paste Components folder, Pages folder there. Also copy paste code from App.js -
npm start
to run development server
Cheers, you are now done with the frontend part also. Tweek as much as you like :)