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Laravel plugin to handle file uploading and image cropping. Use and Modify with ease cheers \m/


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How to install and configure the package into your project

composer require hitesh399/laravel-media

Add the provider into the config/app.php file


Add the alias in the config/app.php file

'Form' => Collective\Html\FormFacade::class,
'Html' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Html::class,

To publish the vendor and update the database schema you can execute the below-mentioned commands:(You also need to install the node and npm)

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-media //to publish the vendor
php artisan migrate // update the database schema
npm install //Download and install the dependency
npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-free //to download font awesome

To compile the media files, add the below line into the webpack.mix.js file


To generate the script/css execute the below mentioned command

npm run dev

Put the filesystem driver in .env file

FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=public //file driver for upload the data

Configure the config/filesystems.php as shown below

'public' => [
    'driver' => 'local',
    'root' => public_path('storage'),
    'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
    'visibility' => 'public',

To create the storage link execute the below-mentioned command

php artisan storage:link

Define the global variable by adding below-mentioned script in between the head tag

 <script type="text/javascript"> = {


To use the media popup, include the jquery and bootstrap framework css/js files and also add the below-mentioned script file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="{!!(asset(mix('assets/js/')))!!}"></script>

Create the Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;

class FileController extends Controller
   use \Hitesh399\LaravelMedia\Controllers\FileManager;
   public function test (Request $request) {

   	$this->validate($request, [
           'test' => 'required'

Add the below-listed line in route file to define the media routes


To get started, add the below-listed line in html file

 {!!Form::open(array('route' => 'laravel.media_test')) !!}
    {!!Form::submit('Click Me!')!!}

How to use the media pop and also override the features

Use the function Form::laravelMedia($name, $label, $data, $listmaker, $htmlrender, $options)

$name [string] -> pass name of element
$label [string] -> pass the lebel of element
$listmaker[string] -> javascript function, to modify the slected file html, the callback function should be define in javascript with four arguments Like: 
function listmaker(hiddenFields, file, index, elementName) => HTML
	hiddenFields [html] -> contains the html of file hidden fields,
	file [Object] -> Object of selected file
	index [integer] -> index of selected file
	elemengtName [string] -> media field name
Note: in this function you have to renturn the HTMl
$htmlrender [string] -> javascript function, To render the prepare the html by listmaker function, function have the 3 arguments Like:
function htmlrender (html, inputName, element )
	html [HTML] -> prepare html by listmaker function
	inputName [String] -> media field name
	element [Object] instance of the media button which use to open the media popup.
$options [Array] => [
	tag [string] -> should be html tag like: button, a, span, and more
	tag_class [String] -> define the class name of media button
	thumb [Array] => [
			h [String] -> define the height of thumbnail
			w [String] -> define the width of thumbnail
			title [String] ->define the title of thumbnail
	title [String] -> Title to diplay on the media popup
	selected_btn_text [String]  -> Selected button text 
	close_btn_text [String] -> Close button text
	maxFiles [integer] -> Max number of file.
	maxFilesize [integer] -> Max size of file in bytes 
	acceptedFiles [String] -> Accepted file type like: image/*,/png, application/*, .gif


Laravel plugin to handle file uploading and image cropping. Use and Modify with ease cheers \m/







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