GNU Stow with steroids!
Bookkeeper works as a symbolic link manager with some more flexibility, making the management of dotfiles easy and painless.
I thought that managing my dotfiles with GNU Stow
was easier than handling ln -s
but still some things were missing for me, such as knowing which packages I already installed and
recursively updating nested folders.
With 5 chars one can know which packages are already installed and which are not.
$ bk ls
irssi no
tmux no
vim yes
zsh yes
Updating recursively is also very easy:
$ bk sync
Syncing package 'vim'.
Syncing package 'zsh'.
Added new folder: zsh/.zsh
Added new file: zsh/.zshrc
Sync complete!
New features will be implemented in the future, but keep in mind that bookkeeper, differently than GNU Stow
is designed for handling dotfiles, not packages in general.