a rapid platform-crossed c++ application server framework which is based on libevent. I hoped that anyone who used rapidapp could build up server rapidly.
- libevent: 2.0.21-stable
- protobuf: 2.5.0
- gflags: 2.1.1
- glog: 0.3.3
- Fast, Easy, Cross-Platform I/O Event reactor
- Timer Management
- Backdoor Support
- Standard Start/Stop/Reload Process-Management
- Async RPC Support based on ProtoBuf Message Reflection
a connector daemon based on rapidapp, including client api and server api. it uses protobuf to serialize and deserialize.
- client connection management
- speed limit
- overload defend
- encryption & authentication
- stateless & distribution support
- see sample/ for server development
- see server/connector/client_api and server/connector/server_api
- python and scons are needed
- run command 'scons -u' to compile, more pls run command 'scons -uh'