A simple demo for CenterRelation plug-in. Based on raphael.js
function centerRelation(centerTEXT, DIVid, list, pWidth, pHeight, smallR, ANIMATE, ANIMATETIME, hrefBase)
- centerTEXT (string) the text of the center
- DIVid (string) the id of a div dom to put the graph in
- list (array of object) the type of that in list is object with attribute -name(string) and -num(number) the larger the list[i].num is, the more center the list[i].name is
- pWidth (number) the width of graph
- pHeight (number) the height of graph
- smallR (number) the smallest radius of circle, must smaller than width and height
- ANIMATE (string) the type of animate it has "linear", "easeIn", "easeOut", "easeInOut", "backIn", "elastic", "bounce"
- ANIMATETIME (number) the time of the start ANIMATE cost. the unit is “ms”
- hrefBase (string) hrefBase + list[i].name is the real url of a rect