I wrote this when I realized that all of the common programming languages are written in English. I decided I wanted to work a little on my Haskell skills so I thought this would be a fun little project.
To build, simply use GHC. My version is 8.0.x but that shouldn't really matter much. All of the build options are the defaults.
To use, first build the program. Run it by calling the program with one command line argument, the file you would like to compile to C. Next, build your program using your favorite C compiler.
The following translations have been made:
- auto --> auto
- interrompi --> break
- caso --> case
- cara --> char
- carattere --> char
- cost --> const
- constante --> const
- continua --> continue
- predefinita --> default
- fa --> do
- doppio --> double
- altro --> else
- enum --> enum
- enumerazione --> enum
- ester --> extern
- esterno --> extern
- virgola --> float
- per --> for
- vaa --> goto
- se --> if
- int --> int
- intero --> int
- lungo --> long
- registro --> register
- restituisci --> return
- corto --> short
- segno --> signed
- dimensionedi --> sizeof
- statico --> static
- strutt --> struct
- struttura --> struct
- cambria --> switch
- tipodef --> typedef
- tipodefinizione --> union
- senzasegno --> unsigned
- vuoto --> void
- volatile --> volatile
- mentre --> while