Source code
Implemented point-to-multipoint reliable data transfer protocol using the Stop-and-Wait automatic repeat request (ARQ) scheme, and carry out a number of experiments to evaluate its performance by building various fundamental skills related to transport layer services.
Editor Used : NetBeans JDK Version : java version "1.8.0_20"
Compilation Of the Projects.
- Files in the projects are dependent on each other as we use the reference of one file into another.
- For compilation use the "Makefile" file that will automatically make the classes of the java files.
- It is must for all the files to get compiled before running this project.
Compilation and Running If using terminal:
For Server:
make ---compiling file
java Server ---executing
For Client:
make ---compiling file (Don't write, if already done at server terminal)
java Client ---executing file
- First run The syntax of the input is as follows:
p2mpserver port# file-name p
Invoking Server
Enter the port number
The destination file name is:
Enter the probability
- After that, run The syntax is as follows:
p2mpclient server-1 server-2 ...-n server-port# file-name MSS
Invoking Client
Enter the number of receivers:
Enter the IP Address of 1 receivers:
Enter the Maximum Segment Size(MSS):
Enter the file name to be sent
Enter the port number