This is a fork of the original Polymath project with several aims.
Clean up and organizing the original codebase to make it easier to read
Utilize a human readable database
Create a more intuitive cli
This fork utilizies tinydb to create a Json database and fire to create the cli
The content dir and subdirectories are autogenerated if they do not already exist
You should see this message the first time you run any command
Created folder at:
Created folder at:
Created folder at:
Created folder at:
Created folder at:
Created folder at:
The db directory contains a db.json file which is used as the main database for this project.
The frequencyFrames directory within the db directory contains frequency frames for each audio file added to the database as a text file
- This directory contains all the downloaded audio files from youtube-dl
Before a song is added to the database it is cleaned and processed by converting it to a WAV and resampling it a samplerate of 44100 if it is not already
This directory contains the processed audio files.
- This directory contains the separated stems generated the processed audio filess
- This is the main script to run the command line interface (CLI).
- When a song is added to the database it will populate a record that looks like this :
"1": {
"id": "song_name_ID",
"songName": "song_name",
"pathToFile": "C:\\Users\\...\\polymath\\content\\processed\\song_name_ID.wav",
"features": {
"id": "song_name_ID",
"tempo": "129.19921875",
"duration": "180.03591836734694",
"timbre": "-10.74387",
"timbre_frames": "[[...]]",
"pitch": "0.32957405",
"pitch_frames": "[[...]]",
"intensity": "-52.960995579585294",
"intensity_frames": "[[...]]",
"volume": "[...]",
"avg_volume": "0.19482724",
"loudness": "0.24210354685783386",
"beats": "[ ...]",
"segments_boundaries": "[...]",
"segments_labels": "[...]",
"frequency": "230.88860214871994",
"key": "A#3",
"frequencyFramesPath": "C:\\Users\\...\\polymath\\content\\db\\frequencyFrames\\song_name_ID_FrequencyFrames.txt"
git clone
cd polymath
pip install -r requirements.txt
- These are the current core features with more to come
- Add a local song to the database
python addSong "path/to/song.mp3"
- The "-ss" boolean flag will split the stems right after
python addSong "path/too/song.mp3" -ss
Download a single song from youtube and add it to the database
Note : This is meant for a single video only not a playlist
python addVideo ""
python split "path/to/song.mp3" "output/dir"
- This project is a fork of the original Polymath project.
- The original project was developed by samim, and can be found at