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A module that lets you create an Application Gatewatway with WAF.


To use this module you require a cert for the https listener. The cert (certificate_name) must be uploaded to a key vault. Once the cert exists in the vault, you will need to use a terraform data resource to read it and pass into the app gateway module for example:

locals {
  backend_name = "${var.product}-${var.component}-${var.env}"
  backend_hostname = "${local.backend_name}.service.${var.env}"

data "azurerm_subnet" "app_gateway_subnet" {
  name                 = "core-infra-subnet-appGw-${var.env}"
  virtual_network_name = "core-infra-vnet-${var.env}"
  resource_group_name  = "core-infra-${var.env}"

data "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "cert" {
  name      = "my-public-facing-domain-cert-name-stored-in-vault"
  vault_uri = "" // This value should be REPLACED with a valid URL

module "waf" {
  source             = ""
  env                = "${var.env}"
  subscription       = "${var.subscription}"
  location           = "${var.location}"
  wafName            = "${var.product}"
  resourcegroupname  = "${}"
  common_tags        = "${var.tags}"
  gatewayIpConfigurations = [
      name     = "internalNetwork"
      subnetId = "${}"

  sslCertificates = [
      name     = "public-hostname-cert" // IT COULD BE ANYTHING
      data     = "${data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.cert.value}"
      password = ""
   httpListeners = [
      name                    = "${var.product}-http-listener"
      FrontendIPConfiguration = "appGatewayFrontendIP"
      FrontendPort            = "frontendPort80"
      Protocol                = "Http"
      SslCertificate          = ""
      hostName                = "${var.public_hostname}"
      name                    = "${var.product}-https-listener"
      FrontendIPConfiguration = "appGatewayFrontendIP"
      FrontendPort            = "frontendPort443"
      Protocol                = "Https"
      SslCertificate          = "public-hostname-cert" // THIS SHOULD MATCH THE NAME SPECIFIED ABOVE IN SSL CERTIFICATES LIST
      hostName                = "${var.public_hostname}"

   backendAddressPools = [
      name = "${local.backend_name}"
      backendAddresses = [
          ipAddress = "${local.backend_hostname}"

   backendHttpSettingsCollection = [
      name                           = "backend-80-nocookies"
      port                           = 80
      Protocol                       = "Http"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      # For more information on using AuthenticationCertificates to enable
      # e2e encryption with ASE, please see the "Using authentication certificates"
      # section below, this is needed if your hostname for your app ends in .internal.
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "http-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "True"
      name                           = "backend-443-nocookies"
      port                           = 443
      Protocol                       = "Https"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      # For more information on using AuthenticationCertificates to enable
      # e2e encryption with ASE, please see the "Using authentication certificates"
      # section below, this is needed if your hostname for your app ends in .internal
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""

      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "https-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "True"


   requestRoutingRules = [
      name                = "${var.product}-http"
      RuleType            = "Basic"
      httpListener        = "${var.product}-http-listener"
      backendAddressPool  = "${local.backend_name}"
      backendHttpSettings = "backend-80-nocookies"
      name                = "${var.product}-https"
      RuleType            = "Basic"
      httpListener        = "${var.product}-https-listener"
      backendAddressPool  = "${local.backend_name}"
      backendHttpSettings = "backend-443-nocookies"

  probes = [
      name                                = "http-probe"
      protocol                            = "Http"
      path                                = "${var.health_check}"
      interval                            = "${var.health_check_interval}"
      timeout                             = 30
      unhealthyThreshold                  = "${var.unhealthy_threshold}"
      pickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings = "false"
      backendHttpSettings                 = "backend-80-nocookies"
      host                                = "${local.backend_hostname}"
      healthyStatusCodes                  = "200-399"
      name                                = "https-probe"
      protocol                            = "Https"
      path                                = "${var.health_check}"
      interval                            = "${var.health_check_interval}"
      timeout                             = 30
      unhealthyThreshold                  = "${var.unhealthy_threshold}"
      pickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings = "false"
      backendHttpSettings                 = "backend-443-nocookies"
      host                                = "${local.backend_hostname}"
      healthyStatusCodes                  = "200-399"

Using authentication certificates

When deploying the application gateway to an environment (App Service Environment) which has a self-signed certificate associated to its internal load balancer (ILB), it will be necessary to whitelist this certificate in order to achieve end-to-end SSL encryption.

The example above would have to be modified with the following properties.

use_authentication_cert = true  // This property has to be set to true

backendHttpSettingsCollection = [
      name                           = "backend-80-nocookies"
      port                           = 80
      Protocol                       = "Http"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "http-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "True"
      HostName                       = ""
      name                           = "backend-443-nocookies"
      port                           = 443
      Protocol                       = "Https"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      AuthenticationCertificates     = "ilbCert" // <<<--- The name of the certificate to use, if ilbCert then it will be automatically found for you. 
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "https-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "True"

Using Path Based Routing Rules

In Azure Application Gateway, it's possible to apply request routing based on the routes. For example, for diverting requests for a specific path (e.g. /uploads) to another backend pool the following changes need to be done to the configuration above.

This configuration diverts those requests made to /uploads to another backed (i.e. palo-alto) while the others are sent to the default backend address pool.

The PathBased routing requires sections identified with requestRoutingRulesPathBased and urlPathMaps and these sections are optional in case only Basic routing is used. It is possible to mix the Basic rule setting and PathBasedRouting as in the following sample.

  requestRoutingRules = [
      name                = "http-www"
      ruleType            = "Basic"
      httpListener        = "${var.product}-http-listener-www"
      backendAddressPool  = "${var.product}-${var.env}-backend-pool"
      backendHttpSettings = "backend-80-nocookies-www"
      name                = "https-www"
      ruleType            = "Basic"
      httpListener        = "${var.product}-https-listener-www"
      backendAddressPool  = "${var.product}-${var.env}-backend-pool"
      backendHttpSettings = "backend-443-nocookies-www"

  requestRoutingRulesPathBased = [
      name                = "http-gateway"
      ruleType            = "PathBasedRouting"
      httpListener        = "${var.product}-http-listener-gateway"
      urlPathMap          = "http-url-path-map-gateway"
      name                = "https-gateway"
      ruleType            = "PathBasedRouting"
      httpListener        = "${var.product}-https-listener-gateway"
      urlPathMap          = "https-url-path-map-gateway"

  urlPathMaps = [
      name                       = "http-url-path-map-gateway"
      defaultBackendAddressPool  = "${var.product}-${var.env}-backend-pool"
      defaultBackendHttpSettings = "backend-80-nocookies-gateway"
      pathRules                  = [
          name                = "http-url-path-map-gateway-rule-palo-alto"
          paths               = ["/uploads"]
          backendAddressPool  = "${var.product}-${var.env}-palo-alto"
          backendHttpSettings = "backend-80-nocookies-gateway"
      name                       = "https-url-path-map-gateway"
      defaultBackendAddressPool  = "${var.product}-${var.env}-backend-pool"
      defaultBackendHttpSettings = "backend-80-nocookies-gateway"
      pathRules                  = [
          name                = "https-url-path-map-gateway-rule-palo-alto"
          paths               = ["/uploads"]
          backendAddressPool  = "${var.product}-${var.env}-palo-alto"
          backendHttpSettings = "backend-80-nocookies-gateway"

See ccd-shared-infrastructure project for a fully working sample of the PathBasedRouting

Configuring the backends

The Application Service Environment (ASE) uses the hostname from the request to determine which application will receive the request. For this reason, is necessary that the correct hostname to be forwarded from the Application Gateway (WAF) to the ILB.

There are 3 possible configurations that fulfill this requirements.

Pick hostname from backend address

This is the option followed in the main example. The idea behind it lies on using the the FQDN internal domain name of the frontend or service as the backend address, and then use that same FQDN as the hostname for the forwarded request by setting the property PickHostNameFromBackendAddress to True.

Is worth mentioning that with this approach the FE service would not need the public domain name listed in the Custom Domains section.

Force/Override Hostname

For this option the backend address could either be the FQDN of the service or the Application Service Environment ILB IP address. The property PickHostNameFromBackendAddress would be set to False and a new property called "HostName" will need to be added.

 backendAddressPools = [
      name = "${local.backend_name}"
      backendAddresses = [
          ipAddress = "${var.ilbIPAddress}"  // or it could also be the service hostname, as per above "${local.backend_hostname}"

backendHttpSettingsCollection = [
      name                           = "backend-80-nocookies"
      port                           = 80
      Protocol                       = "Http"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "http-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "False"
      HostName                       = "${local.backend_hostname}" // This is where the hostname is being set
      name                           = "backend-443-nocookies"
      port                           = 443
      Protocol                       = "Https"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "https-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "False"
      HostName                       = "${local.backend_hostname}" This is where hostname s being set

With this approach the FE service would not need the public domain name listed in the Custom Domains section.


In case of choosing the ILB IP address as a backend address and not using the HostName property, it will be required that the frontend service has the public domain name added to the Custom Domains list.

 backendAddressPools = [
      name = "${local.backend_name}"
      backendAddresses = [
          ipAddress = "${var.ilbIPAddress}"

backendHttpSettingsCollection = [
      name                           = "backend-80-nocookies"
      port                           = 80
      Protocol                       = "Http"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "http-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "False"
      HostName                       = ""
      name                           = "backend-443-nocookies"
      port                           = 443
      Protocol                       = "Https"
      CookieBasedAffinity            = "Disabled"
      AuthenticationCertificates     = ""
      probeEnabled                   = "True"
      probe                          = "https-probe"
      PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = "False"
      HostName                       = ""

Deployment target

deployment_target parameter, type = String, Required = No, Default value = "", Description = Name of the Deployment Target. If deployment_target is empty it works in legacy mode