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This application acts as a layer between external services sending SOAP requests and translating into JSON forwarding onto the DARTS-API.

Building and deploying the application


Building and deploying the application

External dependencies:-

  • darts-api
  • redis

Building the application

The project uses Gradle as a build tool. It already contains ./gradlew wrapper script, so there's no need to install gradle.

To build the project execute the following command:


For this project to build successfully and run against the local darts api code, you need the darts open api artifact in your local repository. This is likely already in jitpack anyhow.

Environment variables

To run the service locally, you must set the following environment variables on your machine. The required value of each variable is stored in Azure Key Vault as a Secret.

Environment Variable Name Corresponding Azure Key Vault Secret Name
REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING redis-connection-string (local Redis uri by default)
MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE_MEGABYTES MaxFileUploadSizeInMegabytes (350mb by default)
DAR_NOTIFY_EVENT_SECUREMENT_PASSWORD darts-gateway-DarNotifyEventSecurementPassword
DAR_NOTIFY_EVENT_SECUREMENT_USERNAME darts-gateway-DarNotifyEventSecurementUsername
DARTS_API_URL N/A (local darts uri by default)
REDIS_SSL_ENABLED N/A (true by default)
VIQ_EXTERNAL_PASSWORD The VIQ external facing password i.e. used by the client
VIQ_INTERNAL_PASSWORD The VIQ internal facing password i.e. used by the gateway to talk to the Idp for token acquisition
XHIBIT_EXTERNAL_PASSWORD The XHIBIT external facing password i.e. used by the client
XHIBIT_INTERNAL_PASSWORD The XHIBIT internal facing password i.e. used by the gateway to talk to the Idp for token acquisition
CP_EXTERNAL_USER_NAME The common platform username
CP_EXTERNAL_PASSWORD The common platform facing password i.e. used by the client
CP_INTERNAL_PASSWORD The common platform facing password i.e. used by the gateway to talk to the Idp for token acquisition
EXTERNAL_SERVICE_BASIC_AUTHORISATION_WHITELIST comma separated list of external services ids which are allowed to call the DARTS API with basic authorisation

To obtain the secret value, you may retrieve the keys from the Azure Vault by running the az keyvault secret show command in the terminal. E.g. to obtain the value for GOVUK_NOTIFY_API_KEY, you should run:

az keyvault secret show --name GovukNotifyTestApiKey --vault-name darts-stg

and inspect the "value" field of the response.

Alternatively, you can log into the Azure home page, and navigate to Key Vault -> darts-stg -> Secrets. Note in your Portal Settings you must have the CJS Common Platform directory active for the secrets to be visible.

Once you have obtained the values, set the environment variables on your system. E.g. On Mac, you may run this command in the terminal, replacing <<env var name>> and <<secret value>> as necessary:

launchctl setenv <<env var name>> <<secret value>>

Note: there is also a convenient script for exporting all these secret values from the key-vault, ensure you have the Azure CLI, az, installed and have run az login.

source bin/

You will then need to restart intellij/terminal windows for it to take effect.

to make the changes permanent, make a .zshrc file in your users folder and populate it with this and their values:


<style> r { color: Red } o { color: Orange } g { color: Green } </style>

NOTE: Also, you will need to run the above command from the darts api repository in order to also install the api secrets</r

Running the application locally

Create the image of the application by executing the following command:

  ./gradlew assemble

Create docker image:

  docker-compose build

Run the distribution (created in build/install/darts-gateway directory) by executing one of the following command:

If you wish to run the whole set of services locally (obviously excluding the Azure components) then run:-

  docker-compose -f docker-compose-local build
  docker-compose -f docker-compose-local up  

This will start the API container exposing the application's port (set to 8070 in this template app).

In order to test if the application is up, you can call its health endpoint:

  curl http://localhost:8070/health

You may find that darts api fails to run on your first attempt. This will
relate to the db contents not being correct. Please copy the staging api database to your local db and retry starting the darts api

Alternatively, if you wish to run the single gateway service and redis database locally against staging infrastructure then run:-

  docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-to-staging.yml build
  docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-to-staging.yml up  

This will start the API container exposing the application's port (set to 8070 in this template app).

In order to test if the application is up, you can call its health endpoint:

  curl http://localhost:8070/health

You should get a response similar to this:


Debugging application locally

Use intellij to connect to the docker debug port 8002 if you wish to test on a production like system configuration


  • SoapUI can be used for "Try it out" functionality using the ServiceContext Header with a valid system user (CPP / XHIBIT / MID_TIER). Firstly you will need to set the following properties within SoapUI

    • username - The user to authenticate with
    • password - The password to authenticate with
    • token - The token (either jwt or documentum) to authenticate with
  • IMPORTANT! Do not add the properties as project properties as they will be saved back to the committed xml files. Instead set them as global properties. See

DARTSService SoapUI

  • To View the application SOAP Web Services:
  • Import SOAP Project README-DARTSService with initial DARTSService WSDL.
  • Sample requests for all operations have been created (using both user name and password authentication as well as token authentication). Initial requests e.g. addCase will use the ServiceContext Soap Header with some custom project properties: userName="${#Project#userName}" password="${#Project#password}"
  • When testing the add audio endpoint make sure to change the properties to support MTOM and Multipart. Additionally, attach an mp2 file

ContextRegistryService SoapUI

  • To View the application SOAP Web Services:
  • Import SOAP Project README-ContextRegistryService with initial ContextRegistryService WSDL.
  • Sample requests for all operations have been created (using both user name and password authentication as well as token authentication). Initial requests e.g. register will use the ServiceContext Soap Header with some custom project properties: userName="${#Project#userName}" password="${#Project#password}"
  • Requests for lookup / unregister operations use the JWT token property provided in the Soap Body, so you will need to remember to update it using the register response: <token>${#Project#token}</token>


  • Postman can be used for "Try it out" functionality using the ServiceContext Header with a valid system user (CPP / XHIBIT / MID_TIER). Firstly you will need to set the following properties within Postman NOTE: This excludes the add audio test. SoapUi must be used in the case of addaudio

    • userToUse - The user to authenticate with
    • passwordToUse - The password to authenticate with
    • tokenToUse - The token (jwt by default) to authenticate with
    • gatewayurl - The gateway url to use

DARTSService Postman

ContextRegistryService Postman

Transfer MTOM Media to the gateway by running $URL $USER, $PASSWORD

Configuring the WSDL APIs

Updating the DARTS Legacy SOAP API

If there are updates to the legacy darts API please add all supporting files into the directory here

Updating the Documentum Context Registry SOAP API

If there are updates to the documentum context registry please add all supporting files into the directory here

Building the new configuration

This project can be built by the gradle command :-

gradle clean build

Post build, you will find that the wsdl files directly under here and/or here will have updated and are ready for git commit. If you are happy with the wsdl changes then commit them

Building just the new darts context registry wsdl

gradle clean processContextRegistryWSDL

Building just the new legacy darts wsdl

gradle clean processDartsServiceWSDL


If the integration tests fail relating to a redis connection failure then please manually close down the running redis instance through task manager

If we encounter a SOAP general error response (as shown below) please check that the redis server is accessible:-

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope;> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en">An unexpected service exception occurred please check logs</faultstring> <detail> <ns3:ServiceInvocationException xmlns:ns3=""> <messageId>E_UNKNOWN_CODE</messageId> <message>An unexpected service exception occurred please check logs</message> <exceptionType/> </ns3:ServiceInvocationException> </detail> </SOAP-ENV:Fault> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Gateway to the DARTS API








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