OpenAPI (fka Swagger) specification for Forgerock IDM and AM
This project is an adaptation of the Forgerock am and idm swagger generated json spec to OpenApi 2.0 yaml.
Throw in the swagger-codegen plugin, with the feign library, and you have a 'mostly' working http client. At the very least the models are generally accurate.
- Rip the JSON from your desired endpoint by adding ?_api to the url
Now you have some json:
- Dump it into the swagger hub editor:
Now you have some yaml:
swagger: '2.0'
version: 5.5.0
title: ForgeRock AM Agents API
Make a file in src/main/resources with the yaml and checkout the section titled Fixing the yaml below
Add the file to the build.gradle task generateApi
generateCodeFromSwagger('src/main/resources/forgerock-am-authentication.yaml', 'am.oidc', [
'Response' : 'feign.Response'
the inputs are path to file
, package
, Object mappings
Object mappings are basically if you want to reference a definition like
but MySpecialObject
is not
defined specifically within the same yaml spec or will not be in the same package.
Eg. You want the feign client to return a IdmUser
object, but you have already
defined IdmUser
in forgerock-idm-user-management.yaml so it will be built into
the package:
And the yaml forgerock-idm-user-role-management.yaml would build another version of the same object into a different directory like:
You can just exclude the definition from forgerock-idm-user-role-management.yaml and add a mapping of:
generateCodeFromSwagger('src/main/resources/forgerock-idm-user-role-management.yaml', 'idm.user.role', [
'IdmUser' : ''
so it knows how to map the object return from the API method
Eg: You want the feign client to return a feign.Response
instead of
deserialize the result into some model, you can reference #/definitions/Response
and map the class to the definition like shown above.
Aka: using find-replace
- The definition names make no sense
Read this as Object Role has assignments and it's a list, each item is defined with the above definition
Find Replace :
Which makes sense, and will make a Java class called
- The definition names are random uuid
references a generated definition of a
parameterized ResultSet
object, like:
"result": [
"resultCount": 1,
"pagedResultsCookie": null,
"totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
"totalPagedResults": -1,
"remainingPagedResults": -1
Figure out what the object is, and rename the definition to RolesQueryResultSet
or whatever
keep in mind there may be multiple generated versions of the same result set, delete the duplicates and fix the definition pointers
- Puts can be used for modification or creation
You will see PUT methods have multiple versions, usually 2 with one having an _action=create
Basically remove the extra PUT method, and add optional _action
parameter to the original.
Also make sure that both the If-None-Match
and If-Match
headers are available.
summary: Create with Client-Assigned ID or Update Entity
operationId: putIfRevision
- name: userId
in: path
required: true
type: string
- $ref: '#/parameters/_fields'
- $ref: '#/parameters/_prettyPrint'
- in: body
name: requestPayload
required: true
$ref: '#/definitions/User'
- $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match-Star'
- $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match'
- The paths seem broken! Hashes everywhere!
This means if you post to this endpoint with _action set to _getCreatableTypes it will return a different result, or possibly the same result but basically it's handled by a different method so it shows up as a different endpoint.
- Delete this endpoint from the spec, make sure that
in the base post:
summary: 'Action: getAllTypes'
operationId: actionGetAllTypes
- $ref: '#/parameters/_action'
description: Success
type: '#/definitions/Response'
description: Call the endpoint with various actions
- OAuth2 Client Agents
Has all the required actions in its enum:
name: _action
in: query
required: true
type: string
- getAllTypes
- getCreatableTypes
- nextdescendents
- schema
- template
and if you want to use this endpoint for one of these actions..
new ObjectMapper().readValue(response.body().asInputStream(), <Whatever>.class);
Cast it to whatever the result will be from that action, which will probably just take some testing with postman or you can print the result as a string to see the JSON.
The ApiClient is basically a holder for the configuration your Feign Clients will be built from.
It has a FeignBuilder, some Authorization stuff, holds the interceptors for clients built from it.
Now that last part is important. If you have ApiClient (idmApiClient) and ApiClient (amApiClient) and you build the Feign Client from the wrong ApiClient you will end up with the wrong interceptors.
- Define the Client bean with your configuration classes by:
public ApiClient idmApiClient(ErrorDecoder errorDecoder,
Client httpClient, Encoder encoder) {
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
return client;
- Build your clients :
public RoleApi roleApi(@Qualifier("idmApiClient") ApiClient client) {
return buildFeignClient(client, RoleApi.class);
private <T> T buildFeignClient(ApiClient client, Class<T> clazz) {
return client.getFeignBuilder()
.logger(new Slf4jLogger(clazz))
.target(clazz, <Target AM/FR URL>); //Here is the URL of the Target server (http://host:port/openam)
Instead they will show up like this:
Authorization: {authorization}
The following method in a feign.RequestInterceptor will solve the problem :
class HeaderSanitizingInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
@Override public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
Map<String, Collection<String>> headers = template.headers();
Map<String, Collection<String>> sanitizedHeaders = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
.filter(e -> e.getValue().stream().noneMatch(s -> s.matches("\\{.*\\}")))
.forEach(e -> sanitizedHeaders.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
Doing it like this makes it thread safe, using the single replace cannot be done whilst iterating over the collection
The following method in a feign.RequestInterceptor will solve the problem :
class AccessTokenRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
@Override public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
if (template.url().contains("access_token")) {
String newBody = new String(template.body());
newBody = newBody.replace("grantType", "grant_type");
newBody = newBody.replace("redirectUri", "redirect_uri");
newBody = newBody.replace("clientId", "client_id");
newBody = newBody.replace("clientSecret", "client_secret");
template.body(newBody.getBytes(), UTF_8);
if (template.url().contains("idtokeninfo")) {
String newBody = new String(template.body());
newBody = newBody.replace("idToken", "id_token");
template.body(newBody.getBytes(), UTF_8);
Basically just replace them, this is due to how the Api is generated.
There is no better work around as far as I know.
- feign.Responses to the rescue
If the call might return a 3xx response like say the OAuth2 Code request, make the return feign.Response and then you can handle it instead of Feign throwing exceptions
Response feignResponse = openIdConnectApi.oauth2Authorize(IPLANET_COOKIE_NAME+"="+token.getTokenId(),
token.getTokenId(), "scope1 scope2",
new OpenIdConnectApi.Oauth2AuthorizeQueryParams()
String code = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(feignResponse.headers().get(HttpHeaders.LOCATION)