This is a Turing BackEnd Mod 3 paired project that uses Rails to build JSON API endpoints to expose SalesEngine data. It is a Ruby on Rails application using Ruby 2.4.1, Rails 5 with Active Record, and a PostgreSQL database.
git clone:
cd rales_engine
CLI -> bundle
rake db:create db:migrate
If you run into an error about citext, run the following commands:
- Run the your database ->
- Then, in the psql cli type:
\c 'rales_engine_development'
- Then
to exit the psql cli
Pull all of the CSV files into the database. Run the following command from the terminal:
To load all: Rake import: all
$ rails db:test:prepare
$ rspec
To start the sever run: rails s
GET /api/v1/merchants/
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id
GET /api/v1/invoices/
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id
GET /api/v1/items/
GET /api/v1/items/:id
GET /api/v1/transactions/
GET /api/v1/transactions/:id
GET /api/v1/customers/
GET /api/v1/customers/:id
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/items returns a collection of items associated with that merchant
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/invoices returns a collection of invoices associated with that merchant from their known orders
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/transactions returns a collection of associated transactions
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/invoice_items returns a collection of associated invoice items
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/items returns a collection of associated items
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/customer returns the associated customer
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/merchant returns the associated merchant
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id/invoice returns the associated invoice
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id/item returns the associated item
GET /api/v1/items/:id/invoice_items returns a collection of associated invoice items
GET /api/v1/items/:id/merchant returns the associated merchant
GET /api/v1/transactions/:id/invoice returns the associated invoice
GET /api/v1/customers/:id/invoices returns a collection of associated invoices
GET /api/v1/customers/:id/transactions returns a collection of associated transactions
GET /api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=x returns the top x merchants ranked by total revenue
GET /api/v1/merchants/most_items?quantity=x returns the top x merchants ranked by total number of items sold
GET /api/v1/merchants/revenue?date=x returns the total revenue for date x across all merchants. Assume the dates provided match the format of a standard ActiveRecord timestamp.
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue returns the total revenue for that merchant across successful transactions
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue?date=x returns the total revenue for that merchant for a specific invoice date x
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/favorite_customer returns the customer who has conducted the most total number of successful transactions.
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/customers_with_pending_invoices returns a collection of customers which have pending (unpaid) invoices. A pending invoice has no transactions with a result of success.
GET /api/v1/items/most_revenue?quantity=x returns the top x items ranked by total revenue generated
GET /api/v1/items/most_items?quantity=x returns the top x item instances ranked by total number sold
GET /api/v1/items/:id/best_day returns the date with the most sales for the given item using the invoice date. If there are multiple days with equal number of sales, return the most recent day.
GET /api/v1/customers/:id/favorite_merchant returns a merchant where the customer has conducted the most successful transactions