Micro-library containing core for HMRC's Play UI:
provides various human-readable date formatsMoney
formats pounds and penceStrings
changes the case of phrases and hyphenates
maps year, month, day fields to aLocalDate
applies constraints in order and fails fastValidators
contains multiple small validation functions such asaddressTuple
Has many standard snippets for form fields, such as: address
, dateFields
, dropdown
, fieldGroup
. Each helper
correctly adds labels, error messages and CSS classes.
Contains templates for components used across frontend applications such as: header, footer, sidebar, betaBanner.
The FooterLinks component generates the standard list of links for passing into Gov.UK template.
To configure this component to link to the new
Accessibility Statement service, provide the key
in your application.conf
. This key is the path to your
accessibility statement under https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/accessibility-statement.
For example, if your accessibility statement is https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/accessibility-statement/discounted-icecreams,
this property must be set to /discounted-icecreams
as follows:
accessibility-statement.service-path = "/discounted-icecreams"
If you intend to use Google Analytics to measure usage of your service, you will need to integrate with tracking consent. The HeadWithTrackingConsent component is a replacement to the existing Head component and generates the HTML SCRIPT tags necessary to integrate with tracking-consent-frontend
Before integrating, it is important to remove any existing snippets relating to GTM or Optimizely, for example, through use of the Head or GTMSnippet components. Tracking consent manages the enabling of these third-party solutions based on the user's tracking preferences. If they are not removed there is a risk the user's tracking preferences will not be honoured.
Configure your service's GTM container in conf/application.conf
. For example, if you have been
instructed to use GTM container a
, the configuration would appear as:
tracking-consent-frontend {
gtm.container = "a"
can be one of: a
, b
, c
, d
, e
, f
or sdes
. Consult with the CIPSAGA team
to understand which GTM container you should be using in your service.
If you are already using the Head template, simply replace with HeadWithTrackingConsent.
If you are not using Head, locate in your frontend code the location where common Javascripts and stylesheets are added to the HTML HEAD element. Add TrackingConsentSnippet above the other assets in the HEAD tag. For example,
@this(trackingConsentSnippet: TrackingConsentSnippet)
<link href='path-to-asset.css' media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
If using Play 2.7 and CSPFilter, the nonce can be passed to tracking consent as follows:
@import views.html.helper.CSPNonce
@trackingConsentSnippet(nonce = CSPNonce.get)
Add the library to the project dependencies:
libraryDependencies += "uk.gov.hmrc" %% "play-language" % "[INSERT VERSION]"
Ensure to add the resolvers to your plugins.sbt
resolvers += MavenRepository("HMRC-open-artefacts-maven2", "https://open.artefacts.tax.service.gov.uk/maven2")
resolvers += Resolver.url("HMRC-open-artefacts-ivy", url("https://open.artefacts.tax.service.gov.uk/ivy2"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("uk.gov.hmrc" % "sbt-auto-build" % "[INSERT VERSION 3.0.0 OR HIGHER]")
If you require either Head or Footer you'll also need to add some config to your application.conf
file in order to build the complete urls for assets:
assets {
version = "x.x.x"
url = ""
This library is currently compatible with:
- Scala 2.12
- Play 2.6, Play 2.7, Play 2.8
And with the addition of support for Play 2.8 we have had to remove compatibility with Scala 2.11.
Additionally, the deprecated static helpers for components available in versions targeting up to Play 2.7 have been excluded from versions targeting Play 2.8. When upgrading your service to Play 2.8 you will now need to include components via Dependency Injection within templates instead.
Publish the library locally with
sbt clean compile publishLocal
This will build and install the library into your local Ivy cache. The final lines of the output will contain the version number.
Then update the configuration of your frontend application to use this version number.
This is in different files depending on the application.
In business-tax-account
, it is in FrontendBuild.scala
In one-time-password-frontend
, it is in MicroServiceBuild.scala
The line will look like
"uk.gov.hmrc" %% "play-ui" % "4.10"
now restart your frontend application, and you will see your local changes.
n.b. you will need to run the sbt command to publish locally each time you make a change.
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.