What's Changed
- [ALS-6924] Take a Tour for PIC-SURE Demo by @Gcolon021 in #289
- [ALS-7696] Nested Facets by @JamesPeck in #296
- ALS-7712: ALlow PFB Export to 3rd party via signed URL by @ramari16 in #295
- [ALS-7585] Add optional sample Ids checkbox by @JamesPeck in #297
- ALS-7849: Update terra hostname to bdc instance by @ramari16 in #304
- [ALS-6928] Add details drawer to dashboard by @JamesPeck in #302
- [ALS-7862] Update sort order of Dashboard by @JamesPeck in #305
Bug Fixes
- [ALS-7813] Fix bug where user gets stuck when 401ed by @JamesPeck in #301
- [ALS-7795] Tour on Discover does not apply a filter by @Gcolon021 in #303
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0