Node.js interface for the Lego Boost Move Hub π€ π± πΈ π
$ npm install movehub
If you want to utilize the new async/await syntax see which is based on this module.
See test.js.
Kind: global class
Kind: instance method of Boost
Param | Type | Description |
address | string |
MAC Address of the Hub |
callback | connectCallback |
Kind: event emitted by Boost
Param | Type | Description |
bleReady | boolean |
reports true /false when BLE is active |
Fires when a Move Hub is found
Kind: event emitted by Boost
Param | Type |
hub | object |
hub.uuid | string |
hub.address | string |
hub.localName | string |
Kind: instance typedef of Boost
Param | Type | Description |
error | null | error |
hub | Hub |
instance of the Hub Class |
Kind: global class
- Hub
- .disconnect()
- .motorTime(port, seconds, [dutyCycle], [callback])
- .motorTimeMulti(seconds, dutyCycleA, dutyCycleB, callback)
- .motorAngle(port, angle, [dutyCycle], [callback])
- .motorAngleMulti(angle, dutyCycleA, dutyCycleB, callback)
- .led(color, [callback])
- .subscribe(port, [option], [callback])
- .unsubscribe(port, [option], [callback])
- .write(data, callback)
- "rssi" (rssi)
- "disconnect"
- "connect"
- "port" (port)
- "color" (color)
- "distance" (distance)
- "tilt" (tilt)
- "rotation" (rotation)
Disconnect from Move Hub
Kind: instance method of Hub
Run a motor for specific time
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Default | Description |
port | string | number |
possible string values: A , B , AB , C , D . |
seconds | number |
[dutyCycle] | number |
100 |
motor power percentage from -100 to 100 . If a negative value is given rotation is counterclockwise. |
[callback] | function |
Run both motors (A and B) for specific time
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Description |
seconds | number |
dutyCycleA | number |
motor power percentage from -100 to 100 . If a negative value is given rotation is counterclockwise. |
dutyCycleB | number |
motor power percentage from -100 to 100 . If a negative value is given rotation is counterclockwise. |
callback | function |
Turn a motor by specific angle
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Default | Description |
port | string | number |
possible string values: A , B , AB , C , D . |
angle | number |
degrees to turn from 0 to 2147483647 |
[dutyCycle] | number |
100 |
motor power percentage from -100 to 100 . If a negative value is given rotation is counterclockwise. |
[callback] | function |
Turn both motors (A and B) by specific angle
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Description |
angle | number |
degrees to turn from 0 to 2147483647 |
dutyCycleA | number |
motor power percentage from -100 to 100 . If a negative value is given rotation is counterclockwise. |
dutyCycleB | number |
motor power percentage from -100 to 100 . If a negative value is given rotation is counterclockwise. |
callback | function |
Control the LED on the Move Hub
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Description |
color | boolean | number | string |
If set to boolean false the LED is switched off, if set to true the LED will be white. Possible string values: off , pink , purple , blue , lightblue , cyan , green , yellow , orange , red , white |
[callback] | function |
Subscribe for sensor notifications
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Default | Description |
port | string | number |
e.g. call .subscribe('C') if you have your distance/color sensor on port C. |
[option] | number |
0 |
Unknown meaning. Needs to be 0 for distance/color, 2 for motors, 8 for tilt |
[callback] | function |
Unsubscribe from sensor notifications
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Default | Description |
port | string | number |
[option] | number |
0 |
Unknown meaning. Needs to be 0 for distance/color, 2 for motors, 8 for tilt |
[callback] | function |
Send data over BLE
Kind: instance method of Hub
Param | Type | Description |
data | string | Buffer |
If a string is given it has to have hex bytes separated by spaces, e.g. 0a 01 c3 b2 |
callback | function |
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Param | Type |
rssi | number |
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Fires when a connection to the Move Hub is established
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Fires on port changes
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Param | Type |
port | object |
port.port | string |
port.action | string |
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Param | Type |
color | string |
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Param | Type | Description |
distance | number |
distance in millimeters |
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Param | Type |
tilt | object |
tilt.roll | number |
tilt.pitch | number |
Kind: event emitted by Hub
Param | Type |
rotation | object |
rotation.port | string |
rotation.angle |
Pull Requests welcome! :-)
Thanks to Jorge Pereira who analyzed and documented the move hub ble protocol:
LEGO and BOOST are Trademarks from The LEGO Company, which does not support (most probably doesn't even know about) this project. And of course I'm not responsible for any damage on your LEGO BOOST devices - use it at your own risk.
MIT (c) Sebastian Raff