- Run go test ./... in the current opened file package directory
- Show latest results of the test
- Run got test with specific test function according to the current cursor position
- Run the latest test again ignoring to the current position the cursor/file
- Generate untit test for the current function using gotests cmd
install gotests
go get -u github.com/cweill/gotests/...
load module
use {
requires = {
generates unit test for the curent function
map("n", "<Leader>rt", function() require('gotest').run_test() end, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true, desc="Run test" })
map("n", "<Leader>r[", function() require('gotest').clean_last_run() end, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true, desc="CleanLastRun" })
map("n", "<Leader>re", function() require('gotest').show_last_test_result() end, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true, desc="Show test result" })