The MUMPS3 package provides a Julia interface with the MUMPS 5.3.3 parallel direct solver, used for solving A*x=y
for square A
(as well as some other functionality).
This package does not come with a distribution of MUMPS, and it is up to the user to provide a working MUMPS library (see MUMPS installation section).
Two things must be installed: MUMPS3.jl and MUMPS 5.3.3.
The package is installed by entering the Pkg environment by typing ]add
, which will looks like this:
(v1.1) pkg> add
Alternatively, it can be installed through the Pkg package:
using Pkg
MUMPS3 will need to be told where the MUMPS library is via the environment variable
, which defaults to
ENV["MUMPS_PREFIX"] = "/usr/local/opt/brewsci-mumps"
This must be set each time before loading the package. I recommend putting
it in your startup.jl file by adding this line to ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
In addition to MUMPS.jl, you will need MPI.jl, via Pkg.add("MPI")
or ]add MPI
(v1.1) pkg> add MPI
Installing MUMPS 5.2.0 (mostly for OSX)
This can be a bit tricky. The source code can be downloaded here, but compiling and linking it into a dynamic library is awkward at best.
On Mac OS, there is an easy alternative from Homebrew, and detailed instructions can be found here. In short, the calls
$ brew tap brewsci/num
$ brew install brewsci-mumps
should be sufficient for installing mumps and its dependencies.
By default, this installs MUMPS and its dependencies in "/usr/local/opt/brewsci-mumps"
To load the package, simply call using MUMPS3
. Additionally you will need to load
MPI.jl by calling using MPI
Before any calls to MUMPS3, you must initialize the MPI environment by calling
. If working in interactive mode, to avoid multiples MPI.Init
calls, I recommend something like
MPI.Initialized() ? nothing : MPI.Init()
at the top of your code.
using MUMPS3,MPI,LinearAlgebra,SparseArrays
MPI.Initialized() ? nothing : MPI.Init()
N, M = 1000, 10
A = sparse(I,N,N) + sprand(N,N,1/N)
y = sprand(N,M,1/sqrt(N*M))
x = mumps_solve(A,y)
norm(A*x-y) # should be ~1-e15
The goal of this package is to provide simultaneously the full functionality and control that MUMPS 5.2.0 offers, while also providing intuitive high-level usage that requires next-to-no knowledge about the MUMPS API.
This is done by providing a Julia structure MumpsC{T}
which exactly matches the [SDCZ]MUMPS_STRUC_C used inside the MUMPS C-interface.
There are already two MUMPS pacakages called MUMPS.jl and MUMPS.jl, so the name-space seemed a bit crowded to me. I considered MMR as the solution to the MUMPS problem, but this nomenclature has some obvious problems. I'm open to any suggestions.
There are five high-level functions that use the MUMPS library: mumps_solve
, mumps_factorize
, mumps_det
, mumps_schur_complement
, mumps_select_inv
. The first three are self-explanatory, and last two compute the Schur complement matrix and select entries of the inverse, respectively. With the exception of mumps_factorize
, all of these methods internally create and destroy their own mumps instances.
mumps_solve(A,y) -> x
takes in a square matrix A
and vector or matrix y
and outputs x
such that A*x=y
mumps_factorize(A) -> LU
does an LU factorization on A
. The returned object is a Mumps
object, and can be used with \
, ldiv
, and ldiv!
, eg x=LU\y
. This requires first loading LinearAlgebra: using LinearAlgebra
mumps_det(A) -> d
computes the determinant of A
mumps_schur_complement(A,shur_inds) -> S
computes the Schur complement S
of A
. The indices defining the Schur block are contained in schur_inds
, either as an integer array or as a sparse matrix, the populated rows of which define the Schur variables.
mumps_select_inv(A,IJ) -> a⁻¹
mumps_select_inv(A,I,J) -> a⁻¹
computes select elements of the inverse of A
. IJ
is a sparse matrix whose sparsity pattern defines which elements are computed. I
, J
are arrays of integers such that the k
th linear index of a⁻¹
has the cartesian counterpart (I[k],J[k])
The MUMPS3 package is build around the Mumps{T}
structure, which contains MumpsC{T}
, a structure which mirrors the [SDCZ]MUMPS_STRUC_C used inside the MUMPS library. For more control over how to access MUMPS, one can work directly with this structure.
Mumps(A; [sym, par=1]) -> mumps
initializes a Mumps
object with the same type as A
. The sym
argument can be passed explicitly, else it is determined from the symmetry and positive definiteness of A
. See the MUMPS 5.2.0 documentation for what sym
and par
Mumps(A, y; [sym, par=1]) -> mumps
initializes a Mumps
object with the type determined by A
and y
, loaded with matrix A
and right hand side y
Mumps{T}(; sym=0, par=1)->mumps
initializes a blank Mumps{T}
mumps_solve(mumps) -> x
solves for x
, and both a matrix and rhs must have been previously provided to mumps
. This can be done by initializing with A
and y
, or by using the provide_matrix!
and provide_rhs!
mumps_solve(mumps,y) -> x
solves for x
and provides mumps
with the right hand side y
does and LU factorization on mumps
in place.
computes the determinant in mumps
. The determinant can be accessed by subsequently calling det(mumps)
. This requires first loading LinearAlgebra: using LinearAlgebra
computes the Schur complement matrix, where the Schur indices are defined by x
in the same way as for mumps_schur_complement
(see above). The Schur complement can be subsequently accessed by get_schur_complement(mumps)
computes selected elements of the inverse of A
(previously provided to mumps
). The elements sought are determined from the sparsity pattern of x
, which the results are also saved in.
There are also in-place versions of all of these (eg mumps_solve!(x,A,y)
, which is equivalent to ldiv!(x,A,y)
). See the documentation, eg, ?mumps_solve!
for more detail.
If not working with the highest level functions, it is often necessary to provide or retrieve data from Mumps{T}
gives the Mumps
instance mumps
the square matrix A
. It attempts to convert A
to a type consistent with mumps
, throwing warnings when this happens.
gives the Mumps
instance mumps
the right hand side (matrix or vector) y
. It attempts to convert y
to a type consistent with mumps
, throwing warnings when this happens.
get_rhs(mumps) -> y
retrieves the right hand side from mumps
, if available.
does the same thing in-place.
get_schur_complement(mumps) -> S
retrieves the Schur complement matrix S
from mumps
, if available. get_schur_complement!(S,mumps)
does the same thing in-place.
get_sol(mumps) -> x
retrieves the solution x
from mumps
. MUMPS 5.1.2 could overwrite the rhs with the solution. I'm not sure if MUMPS 5.2.0 any longer does this. This function differs from get_rhs!
because it returns always the solution data, which may or may not be the same as the rhs data (depending on whether rhs is sparse or not). get_sol!(x,mumps)
does the same thing, in-place.
frees the pointers contained therein for garbage collection. Its counterpart, initialize!(mumps)
resets mumps
For complete control over MUMPS, one can manipulate a Mumps{T}
object directly. Be warned, this can expose unsafe operation which can crash Julia, if, for example, one attempts to access a finalized Mumps
I recommend refering to the MUMPS documentation, Section 6.1 in particular.
Given a Mumps{T}
object mumps
, you can set the ICNTL integer array by set_icntl!(mumps,index,value)
. The current ICNTL can be viewed by display_icntl(mumps)
As indicated above, matrices and rhs's can be provided with provide_matrix!
and provide_rhs!
The JOB parameter can be set by set_job!(mumps,job)
A call to MUMPS can be made with invoke_mumps!(mumps)
Some convenience functions for changing INCTL are provided, though their documentation is not complete. For example, to set ICNTL to its default, call default_icntl!(mumps)
. To set the printing level, set_print_level!(mumps,level)
. To suppress printing entirely (except for errors) suppress_printing!(mumps)
or suppress_display!(mumps)
low-level manipulation |
invoke_mumps!(mumps) |
set_icntl!(mumps,index,value; [displaylevel=1]) |
set_job!(mumps,job) |
low-level access |
provide_matrix!(mumps,A) |
provide_rhs!(mumps,y) |
get_rhs!(y,mumps) |
get_rhs(mumps) -> y |
get_schur_complement!(S,mumps) |
get_schur_complement(mumps) -> S |
get_sol!(x,mumps) |
get_sol(mumps) -> x |
Mumps initialization |
Mumps{T}(;[sym=0, par=1]) -> mumps |
Mumps(A; [sym, par=1]) -> mumps |
Mumps(A,rhs; [sym, par=1]) -> mumps |
initialize!(mumps) |
finalize!(mumps) |
Mumps solution |
mumps_solve!(x,mumps) |
mumps_solve!(x,A,y) |
mumps_solve!(x,mumps,y) |
mumps_solve(mumps) -> x |
mumps_solve(A,y) -> x |
mumps_solve(mumps,y) -> x |
mumps_factorize!(mumps) |
mumps_factorize(A) -> mumps |
mumps_det!(mumps; discard=true) |
mumps_det(A) -> det |
mumps_schur_complement!(mumps, schur_inds) |
mumps_schur_complement!(mumps, x) |
mumps_schur_complement(A,schur_inds) -> S |
mumps_schur_complement(A,x) -> S |
mumps_select_inv!(x,mumps) |
mumps_select_inv!(x,A) |
mumps_select_inv(A,IJ::Sparse) -> A⁻¹ |
mumps_select_inv(A,I,J) -> A⁻¹ |
ICNTL manipulation |
display_icntl(mumps) |
set_error_stream!(mumps,stream) |
set_diagnostics_stream!(mumps,stream) |
set_info_stream!(mumps,stream) |
set_print_level!(mumps,level) |
suppress_printing!(mumps) |
toggle_printing!(mumps) |
sparse_matrix!(mumps) |
dense_matrix!(mumps) |
sparse_rhs!(mumps) |
dense_rhs!(mumps) |
toggle_null_pivot!(mumps) |
transpose!(mumps) |
LinearAlgebra extensions |
det(mumps) -> det |
\(mumps,y) = mumps\y -> x |
ldiv(mumps,y) -> x |
ldiv!(x,mumps,y) |