Ofek Avergil 316279702 Hod Amar 313225757
You can connect with one of these users: {name: "eden_1994", pass:"a1234567"}, {name: "hadadi",pass:"a1234567"}, {name: "um_koltom" pass:"a1234567"}, {name: "dikla15"pass:"a1234567""}, {name: "Zahava1415", pass:"a1234567"}, {name: "Ofekit", pass:"aaaabb22"}, (empty user!) {name: "hodaya" pass:"abcd4567"},(empty user!) {name: "offrahaz", pass:"abcd4567" }
For each not empty user we put in the first contact messages from all types. to add new chat click on "new+" and choose the wanted contact from the list (only excisting contacts will appear). to send message please insert your message in the text field and click on "send. for sending video/image or audio message click on the clip button near the send button at the bottom of the screen.
you can also sign in with new user, notice this limitions: // Username consists of alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9), lowercase, or uppercase. // Username allowed of the dot (.), underscore (), and hyphen (-). // The dot (.), underscore (), or hyphen (-) must not be the first or last character. // The dot (.), underscore (_), or hyphen (-) does not appear consecutively, e.g., java..regex // The number of characters must be between 5 to 20. //password should contain 8 chars, at least one letter and one number. //nick max size is 10 letters)}