Faculty subject - Distributed Computer Systems
Make a game similar to Battle City game. Make a scheme similar to the original game, through which the avatars can move.
- Two players, move their avatars using cursor keys or with ASDW keys
- They can move up-down, left-right
- They can fire projectiles, projectiles can move in 4 directions, depending on the direction to which the avatar is turned to
- Each player has 3 lives for a level
- At the beginning of the level, they are located in the base on the bottom of the screen
- Enemies:
- Appear randomly on the top of the screen
- At the beginning of the level there are 6 enemy tanks
- They move randomly between the blocks
- Randomly, independently from each other, they shoot projectiles
- Two players, move their avatars using cursor keys or with ASDW keys
- There are infinite number of levels
- If a projectile hits a player, he loses a life
- If a projectile of the player hits an enemy tank, the enemy disappears from the map
- If a projectile hits a block from which the map is made of, the block disappears
- After each level, projectiles, players and enemies are moving faster
- After each level, the number of enemy tanks is increased
- For passing to the next level, players need to destroy all the enemy tanks
- The winner is the player that survives the most amount of time
- The game is finished either when all the players are dead or the enemies have destroyed the base
For realization use Python3, PyQt5, multiprocessing. Work in teams of 2-4 members. Write a documentation in which there is a general description of the game and rezime all the pros and cons of using Python language, PyQt5 framework and paralelization.
Demo at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPsA5PtfdL0
- Assignment text is subjectable to changes (new requirements).