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Calculate pairwise nucleotide identity with respect to a reference sequence.
Given a reference and a query sequence (which can be fragmented), calculate pairwise nucleotide identity with respect to the reference sequence relative to the entire length of the reference. Only informative nucleotides (A,T,G,C) are considered identical to each other.
conda create -y -n president -c bioconda python=3.8 mafft screed && conda activate president
python --query NC_045512.2.20mis.fasta --reference NC_045512.2.fasta -x 3000 -p 8
The script provides three different output metrics to assess the quality of the query sequence in comparison to the reference sequence. The rationale behind this is, that ambiguous bases (Ns) can impact sequence identity differently depending on how they are counted.
Running Mafft ...
a) 0.9987 nucleotide identity
b) 0.9994 nucleotide identity (excluding non-ACTG)
c) 20 non-ACTG symbols out of 29903
a) Percentage identity based on hamming distance and including gaps/ Ns as mismatches
b) Percentage identity only based on A, T, C, G characters (ACTG matches / (len_query - nonACTGchars_query))
c) Count all characters in the query sequence that are not A, T, C, G
- nextstrain uses a quality threshold of < 3000 non-canonical nucleotides
- Ns in the query are treated as mismatches, uncomment the corresponding line directly in the code to ignore Ns