Low-level addon resolution algorithm for Bare. The algorithm is implemented as a generator function that yields either package manifests to be read or resolution candidates to be tested by the caller. As a convenience, the main export is a synchronous and asynchronous iterable that relies on package manifests being read by a callback. For asynchronous iteration, the callback may return promises which will be awaited before being passed to the generator.
npm i bare-addon-resolve
For synchronous resolution:
const resolve = require('bare-addon-resolve')
function readPackage(url) {
// Read and parse `url` if it exists, otherwise `null`
for (const resolution of resolve(
new URL('file:///directory/'),
)) {
For asynchronous resolution:
const resolve = require('bare-addon-resolve')
async function readPackage(url) {
// Read and parse `url` if it exists, otherwise `null`
for await (const resolution of resolve(
new URL('file:///directory/'),
)) {
Resolve specifier
relative to parentURL
, which must be a WHATWG URL
instance. readPackage
is called with a URL
instance for every package manifest to be read and must either return the parsed JSON package manifest, if it exists, or null
. If readPackage
returns a promise, synchronous iteration is not supported.
Options include:
options = {
// A list of builtin addon specifiers. If matched, the protocol of the
// resolved URL will be `builtinProtocol`.
builtins: [],
// The protocol to use for resolved builtin addon specifiers.
builtinProtocol: 'builtin:',
// Whether or not addons linked ahead-of-time should be resolved.
linked: true,
// The protocol to use for addons linked ahead-of-time.
linkedProtocol: 'linked:',
// The supported import conditions. "default" is always recognized.
conditions: [],
// An array reference which will contain the matched conditions when yielding
// resolutions.
matchedConditions: [],
// The `<platform>-<arch>` combinations to look for when resolving dynamic
// addons. If empty, only builtin specifiers can be resolved. In Bare,
// pass `[Bare.Addon.host]`.
hosts: [],
// The file extensions to look for when resolving dynamic addons.
extensions: [],
// A map of preresolved imports with keys being serialized directory URLs and
// values being "imports" maps.
Synchronously iterate the addon resolution candidates. The resolved addon is the first candidate that exists as a file on the file system.
Asynchronously iterate the addon resolution candidates. If readPackage
returns promises, these will be awaited. The same comments as for (const resolution of resolver)
The following generator functions implement the resolution algorithm. The yielded values have the following shape:
Package manifest
next.value = {
package: URL
If the package manifest identified by next.value.package
exists, generator.next()
must be passed the parsed JSON value of the manifest. If it does not exist, pass null
Resolution candidate
next.value = {
resolution: URL
If the addon identified by next.value.resolution
exists, generator.next()
may be passed true
to signal that the resolution for the current set of conditions has been identified. If it does not exist, pass false
To drive the generator functions, a loop like the following can be used:
const generator = resolve.addon(specifier, parentURL)
let next = generator.next()
while (next.done !== true) {
const value = next.value
if (value.package) {
// Read and parse `value.package` if it exists, otherwise `null`
let info
next = generator.next(info)
} else {
const resolution = value.resolution
// `true` if `resolution` was the correct candidate, otherwise `false`
let resolved
next = generator.next(resolved)
Options are the same as resolve()
for all functions.
These functions are currently subject to change between minor releases. If using them directly, make sure to specify a tilde range (~1.2.3
) when declaring the module dependency.
const generator = resolve.packageSelf(packageName, packageSubpath, packageVersion, parentURL[, options])