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Low-level module resolution algorithm for Bare


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Low-level module resolution algorithm for Bare. The algorithm is implemented as a generator function that yields either package manifests to be read or resolution candidates to be tested by the caller. As a convenience, the main export is a synchronous and asynchronous iterable that relies on package manifests being read by a callback. For asynchronous iteration, the callback may return promises which will be awaited before being passed to the generator.

npm i bare-module-resolve


For synchronous resolution:

const resolve = require('bare-module-resolve')

function readPackage(url) {
  // Read and parse `url` if it exists, otherwise `null`

for (const resolution of resolve(
  new URL('file:///directory/'),
)) {

For asynchronous resolution:

const resolve = require('bare-module-resolve')

async function readPackage(url) {
  // Read and parse `url` if it exists, otherwise `null`

for await (const resolution of resolve(
  new URL('file:///directory/'),
)) {


const resolver = resolve(specifier, parentURL[, options][, readPackage])

Resolve specifier relative to parentURL, which must be a WHATWG URL instance. readPackage is called with a URL instance for every package manifest to be read and must either return the parsed JSON package manifest, if it exists, or null. If readPackage returns a promise, synchronous iteration is not supported.

Options include:

options = {
  // A default "imports" map to apply to all specifiers. Follows the same
  // syntax and rules as the "imports" property defined in `package.json`.
  // A list of builtin module specifiers. If matched, the protocol of the
  // resolved URL will be `builtinProtocol`.
  builtins: [],
  // The protocol to use for resolved builtin module specifiers.
  builtinProtocol: 'builtin:',
  // The supported import conditions. "default" is always recognized.
  conditions: [],
  // An array reference which will contain the matched conditions when yielding
  // resolutions.
  matchedConditions: [],
  // The supported engine versions.
  engines: {},
  // The file extensions to look for. Must be provided to support extensionless
  // specifier resolution and directory support, such as resolving './foo' to
  // './foo.js' or './foo/index.js'.
  extensions: [],
  // A map of preresolved imports with keys being serialized parent URLs and
  // values being "imports" maps.

for (const resolution of resolver)

Synchronously iterate the module resolution candidates. The resolved module is the first candidate that exists, either as a file on a file system, a resource at a URL, or something else entirely.

for await (const resolution of resolver)

Asynchronously iterate the module resolution candidates. If readPackage returns promises, these will be awaited. The same comments as for (const resolution of resolver) apply.


The following generator functions implement the resolution algorithm, which has been adapted from the Node.js resolution algorithms for CommonJS and ES modules. Unlike Node.js, Bare uses the same resolution algorithm for both module formats. The yielded values have the following shape:

Package manifest

next.value = {
  package: URL

If the package manifest identified by next.value.package exists, must be passed the parsed JSON value of the manifest. If it does not exist, pass null instead.

Resolution candidate

next.value = {
  resolution: URL

If the module identified by next.value.resolution exists, may be passed true to signal that the resolution for the current set of conditions has been identified. If it does not exist, pass false instead.

To drive the generator functions, a loop like the following can be used:

const generator = resolve.module(specifier, parentURL)

let next =

while (next.done !== true) {
  const value = next.value

  if (value.package) {
    // Read and parse `value.package` if it exists, otherwise `null`
    let info

    next =
  } else {
    const resolution = value.resolution

    // `true` if `resolution` was the correct candidate, otherwise `false`
    let resolved

    next =

Options are the same as resolve() for all functions.


These functions are currently subject to change between minor releases. If using them directly, make sure to specify a tilde range (~1.2.3) when declaring the module dependency.

const generator = resolve.module(specifier, parentURL[, options])

  1. If specifier starts with a Windows drive letter:
    1. Prepend / to specifier.
  2. If options.resolutions is set:
    1. If preresolved(specifier, options.resolutions, parentURL, options) yields, return.
  3. If url(specifier, parentURL, options) yields, return.
  4. If packageImports(specifier, parentURL, options) yields, return.
  5. If specifier equals . or .., or if specifier starts with /, \, ./, .\, ../, or ..\:
    1. If options.imports is set:
      1. If packageImportsExports(specifier, options.imports, parentURL, true, options) yields, return.
    2. If file(specifier, parentURL, false, options) resolves, return.
    3. Return directory(specifier, parentURL, options).
  6. Return package(specifier, parentURL, options).

const generator = resolve.url(url, parentURL[, options])

  1. If url is not a valid URL, return.
  2. If options.imports is set:
    1. If packageImportsExports(url.href, options.imports, parentURL, true, options) yields, return.
  3. If url.protocol equals node::
    1. Let specifier be url.pathname.
    2. If specifier equals . or .., or if specifier starts with /, \, ./, .\, ../, or ..\, throw.
    3. Return package(specifier, parentURL, options).
  4. Yield url.

const generator = resolve.preresolved(specifier, resolutions, parentURL[, options])

  1. Let imports be resolutions[parentURL].
  2. If imports is a non-null object:
    1. Return packageImportsExports(specifier, imports, parentURL, true, options).

const generator = resolve.package(packageSpecifier, parentURL[, options])

  1. If packageSpecifier is the empty string, throw.
  2. If packageSpecifier does not start with @:
    1. Set packageName to the substring of packageSpecifier until the first / or the end of the string.
  3. Let packageName be undefined.
  4. Otherwise:
    1. If packageSpecifier does not include /, throw.
    2. Set packageName to the substring of packageSpecifier until the second / or the end of the string.
  5. If packageName starts with . or includes \ or %, throw.
  6. If builtinTarget(packageSpecifier, null, options.builtins, options) yields, return.
  7. Let packageSubpath be . concatenated with the substring of packageSpecifier from the position at the length of packageName.
  8. If packageSelf(packageName, packageSubpath, parentURL, options) yields, return.
  9. Repeat:
    1. Let packageURL be the resolution of node_modules/ concatenated with packageName and / relative to parentURL.
    2. Set parentURL to the substring of parentURL until the last /.
    3. Let info be the result of yielding the resolution of package.json relative to packageURL.
    4. If info is not null:
      1. If info.engines is set:
        1. Call validateEngines(packageURL, info.engines, options).
      2. If info.exports is set:
        1. Return packageExports(packageURL, packageSubpath, info.exports, options).
      3. If packageSubpath is .:
        1. If info.main is a non-empty string:
          1. Set packageSubpath to info.main.
        2. Otherwise:
          1. Return file('index', packageURL, true, options).
      4. If file(packageSubpath, packageURL, false, options) resolves, return.
      5. Return directory(packageSubpath, packageURL, options).
    5. If parentURL is the file system root, return.

const generator = resolve.packageSelf(packageName, packageSubpath, parentURL[, options])

  1. For each value packageURL of lookupPackageScope(parentURL, options):
    1. Let info be the result of yielding packageURL.
    2. If info is not null:
      1. If does not equal packageName, return.
      2. If info.exports is set:
        1. Return packageExports(packageURL, packageSubpath, info.exports, options).
      3. If packageSubpath is .:
        1. If info.main is a non-empty string:
          1. Set packageSubpath to info.main.
        2. Otherwise:
          1. Return file('index', packageURL, true, options).
      4. If file(packageSubpath, packageURL, false, options) resolves, return.
      5. Return directory(packageSubpath, packageURL, options).

const generator = resolve.packageExports(packageURL, subpath, exports[, options])

  1. If subpath is .:
    1. Let mainExport be undefined.
    2. If exports is a string or an array:
      1. Set mainExport to exports.
    3. If exports is a non-null object:
      1. If some keys of exports start with .:
        1. If . is a key of exports:
          1. Set mainExport to exports['.'].
      2. Otherwise:
        1. Set mainExport to exports.
    4. If mainExport is not undefined:
      1. If packageTarget(packageURL, mainExport, null, false, options) yields, return.
  2. Otherwise, if exports is a non-null object:
    1. If every key of exports starts with .:
      1. If packageImportsExports(subpath, exports, packageURL, false, options) yields, return.
  3. Throw.

const generator = resolve.packageImports(specifier, parentURL[, options])

  1. If specifier is # or starts with #/, throw.
  2. For each value packageURL of lookupPackageScope(parentURL, opions):
    1. Let info be the result of yielding packageURL.
    2. If info is not null:
      1. If info.imports is set:
        1. If packageImportsExports(specifier, info.imports, packageURL, true, options) yields, return.
      2. If specifier starts with #, throw.
      3. Return.
  3. If options.imports is set:
    1. If packageImportsExports(url.href, options.imports, parentURL, true, options) yields, return.

const generator = resolve.packageImportsExports(matchKey, matchObject, packageURL, isImports[, options])

  1. If matchKey is a key of matchObject and matchKey does not include *:
    1. Let target be matchObject[matchKey].
    2. Return packageTarget(packageURL, target, null, isImports, options).
  2. Let expansionKeys be the keys of matchObject that include * sorted by patternKeyCompare.
  3. For each value expansionKey of expansionKeys:
    1. Let patternBase be the substring of expansionKey until the first *.
    2. If matchKey starts with but isn't equal to patternBase:
      1. Let patternTrailer be the substring of expansionKey from the position at the index after the first *.
      2. If patternTrailer is the empty string, or if matchKey ends with patternTrailer and the length of matchKey is greater than or equal to the length of expansionKey:
        1. Let target be matchObject[expansionKey].
        2. Let patternMatch be the substring of matchKey from the position at the length of patternBase until the length of matchKey minus the length of patternTrailer.
        3. Return packageTarget(packageURL, target, patternMatch, isImports, options).

const generator = resolve.packageTarget(packageURL, target, patternMatch, isImports[, options])

  1. If target is a string:
    1. If target does not start with ./ and isImports is false, throw.
    2. If patternMatch is not null:
      1. Replace every instance of * in target with patternMatch.
    3. If url(target, packageURL, options) yields, return.
    4. If target equals . or .., or if target starts with /, ./, or ../:
      1. Yield the resolution of target relative to packageURL and return.
    5. Return package(target, packageURL, options).
  2. If target is an array:
    1. For each value targetValue of target:
      1. If packageTarget(packageURL, targetValue, patternMatch, isImports, options) yields, return.
  3. If target is a non-null object:
    1. For each key condition of target:
      1. If condition equals default or if options.conditions includes condition:
        1. Let targetValue be target[condition].
        2. Return packageTarget(packageURL, targetValue, patternMatch, isImports, options).

const generator = resolve.builtinTarget(packageSpecifier, packageVersion, target[, options])

  1. If target is a string:
    1. If target does not start with @:
      1. Let targetName be the substring of target until the first @ or the end of the string.
      2. Let targetVersion be the substring of target from the character following the first @ and to the end of string, or null if no such substring exists.
    2. Otherwise:
      1. Let targetName be the substring of target until the second @ or the end of the string.
      2. Let targetVersion be the substring of target from the character following the second @ and to the end of string, or null if no such substring exists.
    3. If packageSpecifier equals targetName:
      1. If packageVersion is null and targetVersion is null:
        1. Yield options.builtinProtocol concatenated with packageSpecifier and return.
      2. Let version be null.
      3. If packageVersion is null, let version be targetVersion.
      4. Otherwise, if targetVersion is either null or equals packageVersion, let version be packageVersion
      5. If version is not null:
        1. Yield options.builtinProtocol concatenated with packageSpecifier, @, and version and return.
  2. If target is an array:
    1. For each value targetValue of target:
      1. If builtinTarget(packageSpecifier, packageVersion, targetValue, options) yields, return.
  3. If target is a non-null object:
    1. For each key condition of target:
      1. If condition equals default or if options.conditions includes condition:
        1. Let targetValue be target[condition].
        2. Return builtinTarget(packageSpecifier, packageVersion, targetValue, options).

const generator = resolve.file(filename, parentURL, isIndex[, options])

  1. If filename equals . or .., or if filename ends with / or \, return.
  2. If parentURL is a file: URL and filename includes encoded / or \, throw.
  3. If isIndex is false:
    1. Yield the resolution of filename relative to parentURL.
  4. For each value ext of options.extensions:
    1. Yield the resolution of filename concatenated with ext relative to parentURL.

const generator =, parentURL[, options])

  1. Let directoryURL be undefined.
  2. If dirname ends with / or \:
    1. Set directoryURL to the resolution of dirname relative to parentURL.
  3. Otherwise:
    1. Set directoryURL to the resolution of dirname concatenated with / relative to parentURL.
  4. Let info be the result of yielding the resolution of package.json relative to directoryURL.
  5. If info is not null:
    1. If info.exports is set:
      1. Return packageExports(directoryURL, '.', info.exports, options).
    2. If info.main is a non-empty string:
      1. If file(info.main, directoryURL, false, options) resolves, return.
      2. Return directory(info.main, directoryURL, options).
  6. Return file('index', directoryURL, true, options).




Low-level module resolution algorithm for Bare




