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Pear User-Interface Library for Electron

Status: WIP


npm install pear-electron


Instantiate a pear-electron runtime instance from a Pear Application's entrypoint JavaScript file:

import Runtime from 'pear-electron'
import Bridge from 'pear-bridge'

const runtime = new Runtime()

const bridge = new Bridge()
await bridge.ready()

const pipe = runtime.start({ bridge })
Pear.teardown(() => pipe.end())

Call runtime.start to open the UI.

Initialization API

new Runtime() -> runtime

Create the runtime instances with new Runtime().


Prepare the runtime, runtime binaries for the runtime version may be bootstrapped peer-to-peer at this point. This only runs once per version and any prior bootstraps can be reused for subsequent versions where state hasn't changed. In a production scenario any bootstrapping would be performed in advance by the application distributable.


Opens the UI.


  • bridge - An instance of pear-bridge.

User-Interface API

const ui = require('pear-electron') <Object>

UI Application controls

const success = await app.focus()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Focus current view or window.

const success = await app.blur()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Blur current view or window.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Show current view or window.

const success = await app.hide()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Hide current view or window.

const sourceId = await app.getMediaSourceId()

Get the sourceId of the current window or view.


const success = await app.minimize()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Minimize current window.

const success = await app.maximize()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Maximize current window.

const success = await app.restore()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Unmaximize/unminimize the current window if it is currently maximized/minimized.

const success = await app.close()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Closes the current view or window.

const isVisible = await app.isVisible()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the current window or view is visible.

const isMaximized = await app.isMaximized()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

const isMinimized = await app.isMinimized()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

const found = await app.find(options <Object>)

Resolves to: <Found> extends <streamx.Readable>

Find and select text, emit matches as data events.


  • text <String> - search term
  • forward <Boolean> - search forward (true) or backward (false). Defaults true.
  • matchCase <Boolean> - case-sensitivity. Default false.

await found.proceed()

Find & select next match, emit result as stream data.

await found.clear()

Stop search and clear matching text selection. Implies destroy.

await found.keep()

Stop search and convert matching text selection to text highlight. Implies destroy.

await found.activate()

Stop search and simulate a click event on the selected match. Implies destroy. <Object>

Media interface

const status = await

Resolves to: <String>

If access to the microphone is available, resolved value will be 'granted'.

Any other string indicates lack of permission. Possible values are 'granted', 'not-determined', 'denied', 'restricted', 'unknown'.

const status = await

Resolves to: <String>

If access to the camera is available, resolved value will be 'granted'.

Any other string indicates lack of permission. Possible values are 'granted', 'not-determined', 'denied', 'restricted', 'unknown'.

const status = await

Resolves to: <String>

If access to the screen is available, resolved value will be 'granted'.

Any other string indicates lack of permission. Possible values are 'granted', 'not-determined', 'denied', 'restricted', 'unknown'.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Request access to the microphone. Resolves to true if permission is granted.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Request access to the camera. Resolves to true if permission is granted.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Request access to screen sharing. Resolves to true if permission is granted.

const sources = await <Object>)

Captures available desktop sources. Resolves to an array of objects with shape { id <String>, name <String>, thumbnail <NativeImage>, display_id <String>, appIcon <NativeImage> }. The id is the window or screen identifier. The name is the window title or 'Screen <index>' in multiscreen scenarios or else Entire Screen. The display_id identifies the screen. The thumbnail is a scaled down screen capture of the window/screen.


  • types <Array<String>> - Default: ['screen', 'window']. Filter by types. Types are 'screen' and 'window'.
  • thumbnailSize <Object> - Default: {width: 150, height: 150}. Set thumbnail scaling (pixels)
  • fetchWindowIcons <Boolean> - Default: false. Populate appIcon with Window icons, or else null.


Exits the process with the provided exit code.

const win = new ui.Window(entry <String>, options <Object>)

Desktop Applications only.

Create a new Window instance.


  • show <Boolean> Default: true - show the window as soon as it has been opened
  • x <Integer> - the horizontal position of left side of the window (pixels)
  • y <Integer> - vertical window position (pixels)
  • width <Integer> - the width of the window (pixels)
  • height <Integer> - the height of the window (pixels)
  • animate <Boolean> Default: false - animate the dimensional change. MacOS only, ignored on other OS's.
  • center <Boolean - center the window upon opening
  • minWidth <Integer> - window minimum width (pixels)
  • minHeight <Integer> - window minimum height (pixels)
  • maxWidth <Integer> - window maximum width (pixels)
  • maxHeight <Integer> - window maximum height (pixels)
  • resizable <Boolean> - window resizability
  • movable <Boolean> - window movability
  • minimizable <Boolean> - window minimizability
  • maximizable <Boolean> - window maximizability
  • closable <Boolean> - window closability
  • focusable <Boolean> - window focusability
  • alwaysOnTop <Boolean> - Set window to always be on top
  • fullscreen <Boolean> - Set window to fullscreen upon open
  • kiosk <Boolean> - Set window to enter kiosk mode upon open
  • autoHideMenuBar <Boolean> - Hide menu bar unless Alt key is pressed (Linux, Windows)
  • hasShadow <Boolean> - Set window shadow
  • opacity <Number> - Set window opacity (0.0 - 1.0) (Windows, macOS)
  • transparent <Boolean> - Set window transparency
  • backgroundColor <String> Default: '#FFF' - window default background color. Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL HSLA, CSS color

win.on[ce]('message', (...args) => { })

for await (const [ ...args ] of win)

Receive a message from the window. The received args array is deserialized via JSON.parse.


const success = await <Object>)

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Open the window.


  • show Default: true - show the window as soon as it has been opened
  • x <Integer> - the horizontal position of left side of the window (pixels)
  • y <Integer> - vertical window position (pixels)
  • width <Integer> - the width of the window (pixels)
  • height <Integer> - the height of the window (pixels)
  • animate <Boolean> Default: false - animate the dimensional change. MacOS only, ignored on other OS's.
  • center <Boolean - center the window upon opening
  • minWidth <Integer> - window minimum width (pixels)
  • minHeight <Integer> - window minimum height (pixels)
  • maxWidth <Integer> - window maximum width (pixels)
  • maxHeight <Integer> - window maximum height (pixels)
  • resizable <Boolean> - window resizability
  • movable <Boolean> - window movability
  • minimizable <Boolean> - window minimizability
  • maximizable <Boolean> - window maximizability
  • closable <Boolean> - window closability
  • focusable <Boolean> - window focusability
  • alwaysOnTop <Boolean> - Set window to always be on top
  • fullscreen <Boolean> - Set window to fullscreen upon open
  • kiosk <Boolean> - Set window to enter kiosk mode upon open
  • autoHideMenuBar <Boolean> - Hide menu bar unless Alt key is pressed (Linux, Windows)
  • hasShadow <Boolean> - Set window shadow
  • opacity <Number> - Set window opacity (0.0 - 1.0) (Windows, macOS)
  • transparent <Boolean> - Set window transparency
  • backgroundColor <String> Default: '#FFF' - window default background color. Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL HSLA, CSS color

const success = await win.close()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Close the window.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Show the window.

const success = await win.hide()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Hide the window.

const success = await win.focus(options <Object>)

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Focus the window.


  • steal Default: true - brings the window to the foreground and attempts to take focus, even if another application is currently active, or the window is hidden or minimized.

const success = await win.blur()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Blur the window.

const success = await win.minimize()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Minimize the window.

const success = await win.maximize()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Maximize the window.

const success = await win.restore()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Unmaximize/unminimize the window if it is currently maximized/minimized.

const sourceId = await win.getMediaSourceId()

Resolves to: <String>

Correlates to the id property of objects in the array returned from


await win.send(...args)

Send arguments to the window. They will be serialized with JSON.stringify.

const found = await win.find(options <Object>)

Resolves to: <Found> extends <streamx.Readable>

Find and select text, emit matches as data events.


  • text <String> - search term
  • forward <Boolean> - search forward (true) or backward (false). Defaults true.
  • matchCase <Boolean> - case-sensitivity. Default false.

await found.proceed()

Find & select next match, emit result as stream data.

await found.clear()

Stop search and clear matching text selection. Implies destroy.

await found.keep()

Stop search and convert matching text selection to text highlight. Implies destroy.

await found.activate()

Stop search and simulate a click event on the selected match. Implies destroy.

const dimensions = await win.dimensions()

Resolves to: {x <Integer>, y <Integer>, width <Integer>, height <Integer>} | null.

The height, width, horizontal (x), vertical (y) position of the window relative to the screen.

All units are (pixels)

If the window is closed this will resolve to null.


await win.dimensions(options <Object>)

const win = new ui.Window('./some.html', {
  x: 10,
  y: 450,
  width: 300,
  height: 350

await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))

await win.dimensions({
  x: 20,
  y: 50,
  width: 550,
  height: 300,
  animate: true // only has an effect on macOS

Sets the dimensions of the window.


  • x <Integer> - the horizontal position of left side of the window (pixels)
  • y <Integer> - the vertical position of the top of the window (pixels)
  • width <Integer> - the width of the window (pixels)
  • height <Integer> - the height of the window (pixels)
  • animate <Boolean> Default: false - animate the dimensional change. MacOS only, ignored on other OS's.
  • position <String> - may be 'center' to set the window in the center of the screen or else undefined.


const visible = await win.isVisible()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the window is visible.

const minimized = await win.isMinimized()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the window is minimized.

const maximized = await win.isMaximized()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the window is maximized.

const closed = await win.isClosed()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the window is closed.

const view = new ui.View(options <Object>)

Desktop Applications only.

Create a new View instance. Views provide isolated content views. Frameless, chromeless windows that can be embedded inside other windows and views.


  • x <Integer> - the horizontal position of left side of the view (pixels)
  • y <Integer> - vertical view position (pixels)
  • width <Integer> - the width of the view (pixels)
  • height <Integer> - the height of the view (pixels)
  • backgroundColor <String> Default: '#FFF' - view default background color. Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL HSLA, CSS color
  • autoresize <Object> Default { width=true, height=true, vertical=false, horizontal=false } - dimensions for the view to autoresize alongside. For example, if width is true and the view container increases/decreases in width, the view will increase/decrease in width at the same rate.


view.on[ce]('message', (...args) => { })

for await (const [ ...args ] of view)

Receive a message from the view. The received args array is deserialized via JSON.parse.


const success = await <Object>)

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Open the view.


  • x <Integer> - the horizontal position of left side of the view (pixels)
  • y <Integer> - vertical view position (pixels)
  • width <Integer> - the width of the view (pixels)
  • height <Integer> - the height of the view (pixels)
  • backgroundColor <String> Default: '#FFF' - view default background color. Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL HSLA, CSS color
  • autoresize <Object> Default { width=true, height=true, vertical=false, horizontal=false } - dimensions for the view to autoresize alongside. For example, if width is true and the view container increases/decreases in width, the view will increase/decrease in width at the same rate.

const success = await view.close()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Close the view.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Show the view.

const success = await view.hide()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Hide the view.

const success = await view.focus()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Focus the view.

const success = await view.blur()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Blur the view.

const sourceId = await view.getMediaSourceId()

Resolves to: <String>

Supplies the id property of objects in the array returned from


await view.send(...args)

Send arguments to the view. They will be serialized with JSON.stringify.

const found = await win.find(options <Object>)

Resolves to: <Found> extends <streamx.Readable>

Find and select text, emit matches as data events.


  • text <String> - search term
  • forward <Boolean> - search forward (true) or backward (false). Defaults true.
  • matchCase <Boolean> - case-sensitivity. Default false.

await found.proceed()

Find & select next match, emit result as stream data.

await found.clear()

Stop search and clear matching text selection. Implies destroy.

await found.keep()

Stop search and convert matching text selection to text highlight. Implies destroy.

await found.activate()

Stop search and simulate a click event on the selected match. Implies destroy.

const dimensions = await view.dimensions()

Resolves to: {x <Integer>, y <Integer>, width <Integer>, height <Integer>} | null.

The height, width, horizontal (x), vertical (y) position of the window relative to the screen.

All units are (pixels)

If the Window is closed this will resolve to null.


await view.dimensions(options <Object>)

const view = new ui.View('./some.html', {
  x: 10,
  y: 450,
  width: 300,
  height: 350

await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))

await view.dimensions({
  x: 20,
  y: 50,
  width: 550,
  height: 300

Sets the dimensions of the view.


  • x <Integer> - the horizontal position of left side of the window (pixels)
  • y <Integer> - the vertical position of the top of the window (pixels)
  • width <Integer> - the width of the window (pixels)
  • height <Integer> - the height of the window (pixels)


const visible = await view.isVisible()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the view is visible.

const closed = await view.isClosed()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the view is closed.

const { self } = ui.Window const { self } = ui.View


const { parent } = ui.Window const { parent } = ui.View

parent.on[ce]('message', (...args) => { })

for await (const [ ...args ] of parent)

Receive a message from the parent window or view. The received args array is deserialized via JSON.parse.

await parent.send(...args)

Send arguments to the parent view or window. They will be serialized with JSON.stringify.

const success = await parent.focus()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Focus parent view or window.

const success = await parent.blur()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Blur parent view or window.

const success = await

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Show parent view or window.

const success = await parent.hide()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Hide parent view or window.

const sourceId = await parent.getMediaSourceId()

Get the sourceId of the parent window or view.


const success = await parent.minimize()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Minimize parent window.

Throws a TypeError if parent is a view.

const success = await parent.maximize()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Maximize parent window.

Throws a TypeError if parent is a view.

const success = await parent.restore()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Unmaximize/unminimize the parent window if it is currently maximized/minimized.

Throws a TypeError if parent is a view.

const success = await parent.close()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Closes the parent view or window.

const isVisible = await parent.isVisible()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the parent window or view is visible.

const isMaximized = await parent.isMaximized()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the parent window is maximized. Throws a TypeError if parent is a view.

const isMinimized = await parent.isMinimized()

Resolves to: <Boolean>

Whether the parent window is minimized. Throws a TypeError if parent is a view.

const found = await parent.find(options <Object>)

Resolves to: <Found> extends <streamx.Readable>

Find and select text, emit matches as data events.


  • text <String> - search term
  • forward <Boolean> - search forward (true) or backward (false). Defaults true.
  • matchCase <Boolean> - case-sensitivity. Default false.

await found.proceed()

Find & select next match, emit result as stream data.

await found.clear()

Stop search and clear matching text selection. Implies destroy.

await found.keep()

Stop search and convert matching text selection to text highlight. Implies destroy.

await found.activate()

Stop search and simulate a click event on the selected match. Implies destroy.

Web APIs

Most Web APIs will work as-is.

This section details deviations in behavior from and notable aspects of Web APIs as they relate to pear-electron.

The Web API function will ignore all arguments except for the URL parameter.

In browsers, opens a new browser window. The opened window belongs to the same browser from which is called.

With pear-electron UI Library, loads the URL in the default system browser. It does not create a new application window (use Pear.Window to create application windows).

Therefore Pear's only supports a single URL argument. The target and windowFeatures parameters that browsers support are discarded.

Scripts and Modules

Like browsers, there is no support for CommonJS (e.g. the require function as used by Node.js is not supported in Pear Applications).

Like browsers, there is support for native EcmaScript Modules (ESM). A JavaScript Script has no module capabilities. A JavaScript Module has ESM capabilities.

Use <script type="module" src="path/to/my-file.js"> to load a JavaScript Module.

Use <script src="path/to/my-file.js"> to load a JavaScript Script.

Graphical User Interface Options

GUI options for an application are set in the application package.json pear.gui field.

width <Number>

Window width (pixels).

height <Number>

Window height (pixels).

x <Number>

Horizontal window position (pixels).

y <Number>

Vertical window position (pixels).

minWidth <Number>

Window minimum width (pixels).

minHeight <Number>

Window minimum height (pixels).

maxWidth <Number>

Window maximum width (pixels).

maxHeight <Number>

Window maximum height (pixels).

center <Boolean> (default: false)

Center window.

resizable <Boolean> (default: true)

Window resizability.

movable <Boolean> (default: true)

Window movability.

minimizable <Boolean> (default: true)

Window minimizability.

maximizable <Boolean> (default: true)

Window maximizability.

closable <Boolean> (default: true)

Window closability.

focusable <Boolean> (default: true)

Window focusability.

alwaysOnTop <Boolean> (default: false)

Set window to always be on top.

fullscreen <Boolean> (default: false)

Set window to fullscreen on start.

kiosk <Boolean> (default: false)

Set window to enter kiosk mode on start.

autoHideMenuBar <Boolean> (default: false)

Hide menu bar unless Alt key is pressed (Linux, Windows).

hasShadow <Boolean> (default: true)

Window shadow.

opacity <Number> (default: 1)

Set window opacity (0.0 - 1.0) (Windows, macOS).

transparent <Boolean> (default: false)

Enable transparency. Must be set for opacity to work.

backgroundColor <String> (default: "#000" non-transparent, "#00000000" transparent)

Background color (Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, CSS color).


The pear-electron library is a Pear User Interface Runtime Library, as such pear-electron (and any Pear UI Lib.) is multifaceted and behaves differently depending on context.

  • When loaded into a UI, pear-electron is the UI API
  • When loaded into non-UI (i.e app entrypoint js file), pear-electron is the runtime initializor
    • When there is no runtime binary on the system, pear-electron performs bootstrapping of the UI runtime executable, into <pear-dir>/interfaces/pear-electron/<semver>
  • The pear-electron repo is also self-bootstrapping and generates the runtime drive (with by-arch, prebuilds and boot.bundle), which can then be staged with Pear. The pear link for the staged pear-electron contents in pear-electron package.json pear.gui.runtime field is then set, with fork and length included. This locks runtime builds for a given semver to a specific runtime drive checkout.
    • This is what pear-electron bootstraps from during runtime.ready().


Apache 2.0


Pear User-Interface Library for Electron







No packages published

Contributors 3
