Run the project locally
go run main.go
Build the project
go generate ./... // this bundles static files and templates
go build -tags release main.go
Continues integration is run with github-actions. Configurations can be found in .github/workflows/release.yml
On each successfull push to the master branch a new release is automatically created
The version of this new release is one patch above the previously:
2.5.7 => 2.5.8
If, hoverver, the commit message contains #major
or #minor
, the corresponding version is bumped instead.
"Increase #major" 2.5.7 => 3.0.0
"Increase #minor" 2.5.7 => 2.6.0
The binary for each release can be found as an atrifact with the name holger-quotes. It is created with GOOS=linux
This link can be used to download the binary from the latest build
Variable | default | comments |
HOLGER_QUOTES_PORT | 9000 | The port of the http server |
HOLGER_QUOTES_STORAGE_TYPE | sqlite | Type of storage (memory, sqlite) |
HOLGER_QUOTES_SQLIGHT_PATH | ./sqlite3.sql | Path to the sqlite3 storage file |
HOLGER_QUOTES_HOSTING | / | The base URI at which the site is hosted |
This package uses go-sqlite3 which need gcc in order to complie. Se below how to install gcc on different platforms
- Download gcc from
- Install the downloaded file