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File Storage Module

Small zome to create and retrieve files, in holochain RSM.

This module is designed to be included in other DNAs, assuming as little as possible from those. It is packaged as a holochain zome, and an npm package that offers native Web Components that can be used across browsers and frameworks.

Please note that this module is in its early development


  • Storybook for elements documentation.
  • Here for documentation about the FileStorageService.


  • You have only one DNA in which you want to store the files in your happ (this will be changed in the future).

Installation and usage

Including the zome in your DNA

  1. Create a new folder in the zomes of the consuming DNA, with the name file_storage.
  2. Add a new Cargo.toml in that folder. In its content, paste the Cargo.toml content from any zome.
  3. Change the name properties of the Cargo.toml file to file_storage.
  4. Add this zome as a dependency in the Cargo.toml file:
hc_zome_file_storage = {git = "", package = "hc_zome_file_storage"}
  1. Create a src folder besides the Cargo.toml with this content:
extern crate hc_zome_file_storage;
  1. Add the zome into your dna.yaml file, with the name file_storage.
  • If you want to give the zome a different name you should also initialize the FileStorageService with it.
  1. Compile the DNA with the usual CARGO_TARGET=target cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown.

Installing the UI module

  1. Install the module with npm install "".

  2. Import and define the the elements you want to include:

import { AppWebsocket } from "@holochain/conductor-api";
import { ContextProvider } from "@holochain-open-dev/context";
import {
} from "@holochain-open-dev/file-storage";
import { css, html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { ScopedElementsMixin } from "@open-wc/scoped-elements";
import { ContextProvider } from "@holochain-open-dev/context";
import { AppWebsocket } from "@holochain/conductor-api";

  class extends ScopedElementsMixin(LitElement) {
    async firstUpdated() {
      const appWebsocket = await AppWebsocket.connect("ws://localhost:8888");
      const appInfo = await appWebsocket.appInfo({
        installed_app_id: "test-app",

      const cellId = appInfo.cell_data[0].cell_id;
      const service = new FileStorageService(appWebsocket, cellId);

      new ContextProvider(this, fileStorageServiceContext, service);

    render() {
      return html`<upload-files></upload-files>`;

    static get scopedElements() {
      return {
        "upload-files": UploadFiles,
  1. Include the elements in your html:

Take into account that at this point the elements already expect a holochain conductor running at ws://localhost:8888.

You can see a full working example here.

Developer setup

Visit the developer setup.