CLI to run Holochain apps in development mode.
To install the latest version compatible with holochain 0.3.x:
@holochain/client 0.17.0-dev.5
or newer
npm install --save-dev @holochain/hc-spin@">=0.300.0 <0.400.0"
To install the latest version compatible with holochain 0.4.x:
@holochain/client 0.18.0-rc.1
or newer
npm install --save-dev @holochain/hc-spin@">=0.400.0 <0.500.0"
Usage: hc-spin [options] <path>
CLI to run Holochain aps during development.
path Path to .webhapp or .happ file to launch. If a .happ file is passed, either a UI path must be specified via
--ui-path or a port pointing to a localhost server via --ui-port
-V, --version output the version number
--app-id <string> Install the app with a specific app id. By default the app id is derived from the name of the .webhapp/.happ
file that you pass but this option allows you to set it explicitly
--bootstrap-url <url> Url of the bootstrap server to use. By default, hc spin spins up a local development bootstrap server for you
but this argument allows you to specify a custom one.
--holochain-path <path> Set the path to the holochain binary [default: holochain].
-n, --num-agents <number> How many agents to spawn the app for.
--network-seed <string> Install the app with a specific network seed.
--ui-path <path> Path to the folder containing the index.html of the webhapp's UI.
--ui-port <number> Port pointing to a localhost dev server that serves your UI assets.
--signaling-url <url> Url of the signaling server to use. By default, hc spin spins up a local development signaling server for you
but this argument allows you to specify a custom one.
--open-devtools Automatically open the devtools on startup.
-h, --help display help for command
Run a .happ file with 2 agents connected to the UI of your dev server running on port 8888:
hc-spin -n 2 --ui-port 8888 path/to/your/happ-file.happ
Run a fully packaged .webhapp for 2 agents:
hc-spin -n 2 path/to/your/webhapp-file.webhapp
Run a .happ file with 2 agents connected to the UI assets residing at the provided path:
hc-spin -n 2 --ui-path path/to/directory/containing/ui/assets path/to/your/happ-file.happ