Monitor your OpenWrt installation with a simple shell script
A New Relic account. Signup for a free account at
A server running Memcached v1.4 or greater. Download the latest version of Memcached for free here.
cURL package
To install cURL:
ipkg update ipkg install curl
Copy the file to a directory of your choice
At the top of the script, fill in:
Router hostname
Router name*
Your New Relic license key *Name is the value that will be displayed in the New Relic UI.
#!/bin/ash licensekey="insert your license key" host="insert router hostname" name="insert router name"
Make the file executable:
chmod +x ./
Create a cron job that executes the script every minute:
*/1 * * * * /<directory>/
After a few minutes, you should see a new menu called OpenWrt in your NewRelic web-console
The project's source code is hosted at: