Welcome to Holvi transactions API exercise!
In this exercise, you'll implement an API for recording transactions to simple bank accounts. A skeleton Django project is provided, but the rest is up to you.
To get the app running, you should install Python 3.6.x and Django 2.1.x in your development system. On top of that you should use Django Rest Framework (DRF) for the implementation of the API. You can use other libraries if you so wish.
Your submission should be returned as a Git repository. We prefer publicly accessible Github repositories, but other submission methods are OK too, as long as we have access to your code and Git commits. When working with Git we prefer small commits over larger ones. At least the commit history should clearly separate the skeleton project from your work.
Complete the following tasks based on existing database models and Django Rest Framework:
- Implement an API for fetching balance of an account (API endpoint GET /account/uuid/balance/).
- Implement an API for fetching transactions on account. The main use case for the API is to build the typical transaction listing you can see in most mobile banks. Design the API as you see best for this use case.
- Implement an API to POST a new transaction to account. You should prevent withdrawal transactions if recording the transaction would return in negative account balance. Note that the operation should be recorded atomically. That is, the transaction listing and account balance shouldn't go out of sync.
- Implement a management command to load some users, accounts and transactions to the system.
- Implement tests for the APIs and business logic you have built.
We appreciate if you follow Python's and Django's typical coding conventions for your source code, API design and testing setup.
Include a small document where you explain how to set up, run and test your solution. There will be a review session afterwards where you can explain your solution in detail.
We have collected a large list of optional additional tasks. The main purpose of the additional tasks is to allow you to show your skillset a bit more. If you feel you know a bit more than the usual candidate about some of below tasks, do let us know by completing the task!
Descriptions can be done either in written form or as part of the review session for your submission.
Client & features:
- Implement a web frontend for the APIs. Usage of some Javascript framework is a big bonus for this task.
- Implement console based client for the APIs.
- Implement operations personnel access to the system. The system should allow operation personnel to find and view details of users, accounts and transactions, and to do corrections to the data.
- Implement a change to the account balance API so that it's possible to query the balance of the account at end of given date.
Authentication and audit:
- Describe or implement authentication and authorisation solution for above APIs.
- Describe or implement an audit system for above APIs (a solution which allows one to see who did what in the system).
Concurrency, scalability, reliability:
- Describe possible pain points in scaling the system to tens of thousands of users. Some of the users could have very large number of transactions on single account. What if the system would need to scale to tens of millions of users, each with millions of transactions on an account?
- Describe or implement changes to make the system work correctly if there are concurrent POSTing of transactions to one account.
- Assume an external system posts transactions to the system. As part of the data posted there's a "source_transaction_id" field which is guaranteed to be unique in the external system. Describe or implement changes to the API and data model so that it works great for this use case (think of the case where the external system posts the same data twice).
- Assume you have a large amount of accounts in the system. Describe or implement changes to add a new field "currency" to the Account model. The field should default to 'EUR'. In which order database migrations, code releases and other possible operations should be applied if we want to keep the system running all the time without interruptions. For this task you should assume the database is PostgreSQL 10 or some other similarly advanced database.
- Make the application run in a Docker container.
- Descrbe how you would implement CI for the application.
- Assume you would need to deploy the application in AWS. Which AWS features would you use to get the app running? How would you do the deployment?
- Describe what it would mean to have a double entry bookkeeping system instead of the current single entry system. What would it imply on the data model side? Why would one want to use such a system for a bank account in general?
Keep in mind the real reason for this exercise. We want to be sure you know how to write good clean Python code, which is easy to understand and maintain.
Above all, enjoy the exercise!