Hometown v1.1.1 (Mastodon 4.0.13)
This is a security release that keeps us up to date with Mastodon v4.0.13. Please see the 4.0.13 release notes for details. This is the last security update provided for Mastodon 4.0.x by the Mastodon team. We have a new Hometown version that will be available in February that is up to date with v4.2.x so keep an eye out for that one!
Thank you once again to @nachtjasmin the help with this merge.
Upgrade steps
These are instructions for upgrading from Hometown v4.0.10+1.1.1
As always, make sure you have backups of the database before performing any upgrades. A postgres backup command would look something like this: pg_dump -Fc -U postgres mastodon_production > name_of_the_backup.dump
git remote update && git checkout v4.0.13+hometown-1.1.1
- Install dependencies:
bundle install
andyarn install --frozen-lockfile
- Restart all Mastodon processes